Junior Church Helper - Duties and Responsibilities

Junior Church Information

Specific Duties of a JC Helper

  1. A Junior Church teacher should be a committed Christian and a regular worshipping member of St Ursula's.
  2. A Junior Church helper is a member of the Junior Church team and is encouraged to attend JC team meetings (in person or online). These meet 4-6 times a year.
  3. He/she signs up on a rota (usually prepared one month at a time) making clear which Sundays they are available. We try to ensure all helpers take their fair of Sundays if possible.
  4. The JC helper needs to work well with any other JC helpers and support the JC teacher in any way they can. They may be needed to help set up and clear up, take the register, calm down any disruptive children and help children with any craft or other activities. The JC helper should remember, however, that the teacher has the overall responsibility for the session.
  5. We encourage all helpers to get to know the children, build up a good relationship with each child, and pray for them regularly.
  6. The JC helper will hopefully take part in special JC outings, events and activities, depending on availability.
  7. The JC helper commits to keeping up with the Diocese in Europe's Safeguarding checks and training which have to be renewed every 3 years. This is essential. To be a JC helper, Safeguarding levels C0 (Basic Awareness) and C1 (Foundations) online training need to be completed.
  8. If the JC helper has any concerns about a child, or any other issues that come up in the Junior Church sessions, he/she should speak to the Chaplain (Helen), Safeguarding Officer (Cecily Klingler) or Assistant Safeguarding Officer (Maxine Wildhaber).

Written by Revd Helen Marshall and JC teachers, February 2023

This page was last modified on 12 June 2023