Käthy Hoag - Some Words from Helen Marshall

As we gather here together today, we come with great sadness at Käthy's death, but we also come with deep thankfulness for her life. She was a woman of such generosity and kindness, courage and faith and she touched all of our lives.

I myself first met Käthy when I came here as Chaplain a year and a half ago, so I've probably known her for less time than anyone else here; nevertheless she made a big impact on me. I remember the very first time I met her, when she was welcoming people at the door, at one of my first services. I was struck by her radiant smile and her warmth and kindliness. At the end of the service, she told me tearfully in the vestry about the seriousness of her health problems. It turned out she had been in great pain throughout the service, but noone would ever have known. As I'm sure all of us would agree, that was typical of Käthy's courage, hope, and strength of spirit.

The more I got to know Käthy, the more I appreciated her all her gifts and talents, but above all her deep faith and faithfulness, her love for God and her care for other people. As someone said to me recently, she was 'so humble and willing to help; she gave herself so willingly'. She also had an almost childlike simplicity about her; there was not the least trace of cynicism in Käthy. In our very cynical age, I found that very striking, humbling and challenging. I also loved visiting her beautiful flat where I admired the colour and creativity of all her artwork and also met her adored cats!

All of us will come today with our own personal memories, thoughts and feelings as we give thanks together for Käthy's life.

Before I say any more, I am going to say some words about Käthy's life put together by her family:


Käthy Hoag

Käthy was born on July 5th, 1958. She grew up in Heimberg with her younger brother, Christian. Their parents ran a plant nursery, where she first found her love of flowers and plants. Käthy's parents would often take her and her brother to Adelboden and the mountains to enjoy nature.

When she was 16, Käthy spent a year in Geneva with a family to learn French. After this she started her apprenticeship as a florist.

Käthy then went to Israel after this to work in a Kibbutz. Back in Switzerland she worked for several different companies in Lucerne and Horgen, including a big shoe company.

In 1991 Käthy married David. As a family they moved to Pieterlen with his two daughters, Virginia and Jessica.

Käthy spent many happy Summers in Florida and New York with her in-laws. She made a lot of good memories there and felt very at home.

She enjoyed being active and going places, like taking Virginia and Jessica to visit her parents, brother and nieces.

Käthy started working with flowers again at the Migros in Grenchen, and then with cosmetics. She worked at the store for many years and made some good friends.

Käthy's hobbies were anything where she could be creative. She loved painting, knitting and crafting things out of concrete. She was very good at making jam and fruit preserves. Driving was something she really enjoyed.

Käthy loved being part of St. Ursula's Church, helping with the flower arrangements and just being part of the church family. With her beaming smile and cheerful disposition she enriched many people's lives.

Unfortunately 2016 was a very difficult year for Käthy, going through a divorce and receiving her cancer diagnosis. Despite this difficult season of her life, Käthy always tried to remain positive and handled it with dignity. Her faith in God and strong will helped her cope and make many happy memories during those times. One great joy was the birth of her granddaughter Matilda in 2017. Spending time with Matilda gave her a lot of laughter and energy. Käthy really loved her two cats Jana and Bobby; they were great company and comfort to her.

Käthy was so happy to be part of her goddaughter Emanuela's wedding, and many other happy occasions that helped her fill her life with love. Her friends from church, and also her neighbours, were a great source of strength for Käthy.

Käthy fought her disease with determination and optimism till the end. She received so many visitors and prayers when she was in the hospital, and also a blessing and anointing, which gave her a lot of comfort. On June 17th, surrounded by her family, Käthy passed away and was free.

We would like to thank her neighbours, friends, doctors and church family for all the love and support you have given Käthy.

Dear Käthy, we will miss you.



So today we give thanks for Käthy's life, for the person she was; her creativity and style, her love of cats and flowers, her warmth and kindness, her generosity to her family and friends, and her deep faith in God. But today we also mourn, because Käthy will be much missed by her family, her friends, and her church family. Death is never easy, whenever or however it happens, even when it is expected, and losing someone close to us can leave us feeling very vulnerable, hurt and lost. So our thoughts and prayers are especially with Christian, Virginia and Jessica and their families.

But as we give thanks and mourn, we also look to the future with hope. We heard earlier a reading from John's gospel. 'Do not let your hearts be troubled,' Jesus said, 'Trust in God, and trust also in me.' Of course our hearts are troubled when we lose someone we love, but if we trust in God we can also find strength and peace. Jesus promises that just as he has lived among us, as one of us, so one day we will live with him. 'In my Father's house there are many dwelling places' Jesus says 'and I go to prepare a place for you.' Through Jesus, we can know the love the Father has for us, and be drawn into that love now and forever. We all of us need to know that God loves us, especially at times of sorrow and death. He knows each one of us completely and loves us beyond measure. He loves us as a Father, who understands his children better than they understand themselves.

'Trust in God, trust also in me.' Jesus said. As we face death, and the death of our loved ones, we can have hope. This hope is based on Jesus Christ; he has gone before us into the darkness of death and beyond it into resurrected life. In Christ there is a new creation and one day all pain, suffering and tears will be wiped away and we will all, with Käthy, be remade and perfect.

God wants us to trust Käthy into his hands and to trust ourselves into his hands, in life and death. This doesn't mean we'll never have doubts, fears, times of suffering and loss, but it does mean that we can know God is with us in the midst of them. Käthy put her trust in God throughout her life, and she said to God, in the words of our first song 'here I am, send me'; she was always willing for God to use her to bring faith and comfort to others. As she approached her death, she trusted the God who would 'take her home', as we will hear in our final song today. Both songs were chosen by Käthy herself. She knew that God was with her in life and in death; she trusted herself into God's hands even in the midst of pain, suffering and loss. It was a privilege to say prayers with Käthy a few days before she died. As I prayed for her to go forth on her last journey in the love of God, and to dwell in God's peace now and for ever, she said a very firm 'Amen.'

May we too know God's presence with us in the joys and the struggles of this life, and trust ourselves to his love now and always.

Remember Jesus' words: 'In my Father's house there are many dwelling places... Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.' Amen.

Prayers from Peter Hawker

Heavenly Father

We gather to remember Käthy, to give thanks for her life and for all that she meant to us.

Mir si dankbar fur de liebe Mönsch wo üs so nahe und kostbar isch gsi und wo jitz us unsere Welt entrisse worde.

Mir danke für alle Fründschaft, die von ihr ausgegangen isch, für alle Frieden und Freude, die sie gebracht hat.

Sie het ihr laengs Liden tapfer und mutig getragen mit viel Gottvertrauen.

Mir bitte di, dass nüt von dem Mönscheläben möge verlore gah, dass was z Käthy geläbt und getan ha komme der Wält zugute: damit alles was ihr heilig isch gsi, von us, wo z'rüg blibe geehrt wärde.

Mir bitte di dass sie in allem worin sie gross war, au witer zu üs spreche.

Mir bitten di, Himmlische Vater dass mir wo mit em Käthy verbunde und verwandt gsi si, jitz au, grad wägen ihrem Tod tiefer miteinander verbunden sei. Mir bete für ihre Familie.

Hif üs erkennen gemeinsam in Fruendschaft und Fride auf Erden deine Verheissung: im Tod wirst du üs und Käthy tröi si.

Himmlischer Vater, du gönnst uns das Licht unserer Augen,
du hast unsere Geburt gewollt,
nicht für das Dunkel
hast Du uns gemacht,
nicht für den Tod,
sondern um zu leben auf dich hin
mit ganzem Herzen
sei daher auch barmherzig
und nimm uns bei der Hand
führ uns zum Guten zum Leben
heute und in Ewigkeit.