Being Church in Strange Times - 14

Saturday 25 April 2020

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope, despite the ongoing lockdown, that you are able to enjoy the glorious sunshine and the beauties of spring, even if that is only from your window or balcony. In the face of many challenges, may God give us grace to see the good things all around us.

I hope you will be able to join us for tomorrow's service which is now on the website.
Thank you to our readers, to David for preaching, and Pieter for leading our intercessions. A big thank you, as always, to Hector for putting the material online.

After the service tomorrow, the Men's Bible Study Group will meet at 10.45 am, and the Coffee Meeting will be at 11.30am. Both these meetings will be online, via zoom. If you would like to participate, please let us know.

Looking ahead, I want to remind you that we are planning an online Pub Quiz Night on Friday 8th May, 7.30-9.30pm. You can register as a team or ask to be put into a team. We will have 4 rounds. Bring your own drinks and snacks! It should be a very enjoyable evening. If you would like to register, please contact Any donations towards church funds would be appreciated.

Many people at the moment may have a sense of powerlessness in their lives and feel frustrated that they cannot do much to help to serve others. Some of us may feel very keenly how dependent we are on the support of family, friends and neighbours to do our shopping and watch out for us. All of us know that if we become ill, we will be dependent on the tireless and self-sacrificial care of medical staff. We can do little except be thankful for those who show us care and support. In a deeper sense, we are always dependent on the life and love of God, the source of our very being. We cannot earn this love and life, but we can respond to it with a grateful heart.

I am reminded of a poem (which David quoted in a sermon a few months ago) by Misuno Genzo, a Japanese paraplegic totally dependent on the care and kindness of others.

Just Give Thanks

can do nothing
for my family
for people
for the Lord.
For the abundant love
of the Lord
of people
of my family
I just give thanks
just give thanks.

As the English priest and poet George Herbert put it:

'Thou that hast given so much to me,
give one thing more, a grateful heart.'

With my love in Christ,