Being Church in Strange Times - 64

Thursday 28 January 2021

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

This Sunday we celebrate the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, traditionally known as Candlemas. Often churches are lit up with many candles on this day when we recall Simeon's words that Jesus is the 'light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.' Perhaps you might like to light some candles at home as you join in the service. The service will be online here from Saturday evening. A huge thank you to Hector, Martin and Art for putting the material online. Many of us may not realise just how much work this involves.

Sunday 7th February: Mission Sunday
Next Sunday will be Mission Sunday when we reflect on the call to share in God's mission of love to the world. It is also an opportunity to learn about, and pray for, the various charities we support as a church. The service will include a short powerpoint display of pictures drawn by the children of Junior Church, with each picture representing a different charity. If you do not know much about our charities, please do find out more!

Sunday coffee time, 11am: an opportunity to meet up with one another (via Zoom) and to share any reflections on the readings and sermon. Ask Helen for the Zoom link.

St Ursula's Magazine:
The February/March edition of the magazine has now been produced and posted to those who subscribe to it. You can also find it on the website here. It contains much of interest so I do commend it to you.

Bible Studies
The next meeting of the Men's Group will be at 10.45am on Sunday 7th February. The next Bible Study will be on Tuesday 9th February, 7-8.15pm.

Lectio Divina
A group of us meet every Thursday morning, 10.30-11.15am, to reflect on a short passage of scripture in silence and share our thoughts afterwards. Let me know if you would like to join us.

This is the day that we remember Mary and Joseph taking the baby Jesus into the temple and presenting him before the Lord. Simeon and Anna, both faithful and devout elderly people, testify with joy that this child has come to bring light, joy and freedom not only to his people Israel but to all the world. Simeon also warns that the light Jesus brings will be costly and involve suffering. We will reflect on these themes on Sunday. Meanwhile, I leave you with one of Malcolm's Guite's poems which seeks to evoke the scene in the temple and reminds us that even 'against the dark our Saviour's face is bright'


They came, as called, according to the Law,
Though they were poor and had to keep things simple,
They moved in grace, in quietness, in awe,
For God was coming with them to his temple.
Amidst the outer court's commercial bustle
They'd waited hours, enduring shouts and shoves,
Buyers and sellers, sensing one more hustle,
Had made a killing on the two young doves.
They come at last with us to Candlemas
And keep the day the prophecies came true;
We share with them, amidst our busyness,
The peace that Simeon and Anna knew.
For Candlemas still keeps his kindled light:
Against the dark our Saviour's face is bright.

With love in Christ,