Being Church in Strange Times - 71

Thursday 18 March 2021

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

This Sunday is Passion Sunday. We begin Passiontide and focus on the self-giving of Christ as his death approaches. I look forward to seeing some of you in church. Those of you following the service online will find it here from Saturday evening. Thank you to Hector, Martin and Art, as always.

If you would like to attend Sunday services in church, please ring or email the office by 10am on the Thursday before the Sunday.

Services on Easter Day
Thank you to all who have replied to my email about attending church on Easter Sunday. The number of people who have expressed a preference to attend the service at 10.30am is more than we can fit into the church, but there is plenty of room at the 8.30am service. Therefore we will give priority for the 10.30am service to those who particularly know the Agoba family and want to support them at their baptism, and those who have a long distance to travel and cannot get to church for 8.30am. We will be requesting that others kindly come at 8.30am. The good thing about having two service is that far more people, in total, will be able to attend an Easter Sunday Eucharist at St Ursula's than would have been the case with one service. Thank you for your understanding, and thank you to Maria in the office for organising this, which is not an easy task!

Men's Group
The group will be meeting, via Zoom, every Sunday, 10.45am, until Easter. If you are not on the mailing list for the Zoom link, and would like to be, please let me know.

Sunday Coffee Time
Every Sunday, now at 11.30am to allow those at church to get home first. We meet together, via Zoom, to share reflections on the readings and sermon. Ask me for the Zoom link.


Lectio Divina continues on Thursdays, 10.30-11.15am, as we meet, via Zoom, to meditate in silence on a short biblical passage and then share our reflections. Come and join us! Let me know if you would like more details.

Bible Studies
We continue with our Bible studies every Tuesday evening, 7-8.15pm, via Zoom. looking at five different Old Testament prophets. It has been wonderful to have such a good number of people attending these sessions! This coming Tuesday, 23rd March, we conclude these studies by looking at the Book of Isaiah, focusing especially on the description of the 'suffering servant of the Lord' in 52:13-53:12,. Let me know if you would like to attend.

Seminars run by La Côte Church
The Anglican church of La Côte are running two seminars on the theme 'Distorting truth and exploiting fear for political profit'. The second seminar is on Wednesday 24th March at 7.30pm, via Zoom. Anyone is welcome to participate. I attach a flyer with further details.

Looking ahead to Holy Week
Holy week begins with Palm Sunday on 28th March. Unfortunately we won't be able to begin our service by meeting in the wood and processing into church, as we usually do, but we will still be blessing the palm crosses at the beginning of the service. If you book a seat, please come to church at 10am as usual.

Maundy Thursday Eucharist, 7pm, 3rd April:
This is a special service when we remember the last supper Jesus shared with his friends and his washing of their feet. After the service there will be opportunity for silent prayer as we remember Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Good Friday, 4th April:
On Good Friday, 4th April, there will be another prayer and fasting day. Material for prayer and reflection will be provided and there will be two short Zoom meetings at 9am and 5pm for those who want to join in. Let me know if you want to do this. Online Family Service: there will be a short online service for families with small children at 10.30am. Liturgy of the Cross, 2pm (in church): a service of readings, prayers and silence as we reflect on Jesus' death on the cross.

If you would like to attend the Maundy Thursday Eucharist or Good Friday Liturgy of the Cross service, please ring the office to book a seat as soon as you can. Both these services will also be available online.

Closing Prayers
Most merciful God,
who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ
delivered and saved the world:
grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross
we may triumph in the power of his victory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lord Jesus Christ,
you humbled yourself in taking the form of a servant
and in obedience died on the cross for our salvation:
give us the mind to follow you
and to proclaim you as Lord and King,
to the glory of God the Father.

With my love in Christ,