Being Church at All Times – 178

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope that many of you will be able to come to church on Sunday. James Morgan will be preaching. As many of you know, James is training for the ordained ministry in the Church of England. Please keep James and Lilian in your prayers.

Online Bible Studies
We hope to start these up again on Tuesday 22nd August, 19:00- 20:15, via zoom.
More details to follow in due course.

Baptism of Laeticia and Leo, Nico and Chloe
Please do pray for the families of Laeticia and Leo, Nico and Chloe as they are baptised on Sunday 13th August. This will be a very special occasion.

Revd Claire Finlay on Placement
From 20th - 28th August, Claire, who is a recently ordained minister in the Church of England, will be at St Ursula's on placement with us. I will interview Claire after the service on Sunday 20th, and she will preach on Sunday 27th. She will also be joining in various activities and events in the church and meeting up with several members of the congregation. There is more information about Claire in the new church magazine.

Children's Activity Day, 'Creation Fun' 26th August
On Saturday, 26th August, we will be running a children's activity day on the theme of creation. This is organised jointly by St Ursula's and the Anglican Chaplaincy in Zurich. It will be held here at St Ursula's, 10.30am - 3pm.
We have at least 30 children attending this day, aged 3-16.
Please do pray for all the children and helpers involved.

Looking Ahead...
You might want to put these dates in your diaries:

  • Autumn Sale, Saturday 9th September
  • Confirmation Service, 10am, Sunday 10th September (with Bishop Robert)

Confidence in the Love of God
Last Sunday we heard the wonderful words from Romans chapter 8, where Paul reminds us that 'nothing can separate us from the love of God.' As we think further about the love of God, these words of Julian of Norwich below might encourage us. Mother Julian lived in 14th century Norwich and dedicated her life to prayer. Her book Revelations of Divine Love continues to be an inspiration to many.

'I learned that love was our Lord's meaning. And I saw for certain, both here and elsewhere, that before ever he made us, God loved us; and that his love has never slackened, nor ever shall. In this love all his works have been done, and in this love he has made everything serve us; and in this love our life is everlasting. Our beginning was when we were made, but the love in which he made us never had beginning. In it we have our beginning.
All this we shall see in God for ever. May Jesus grant this.

(Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love)

With love in Christ,