Being Church at All Times – 188

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I look forward to seeing some of you this evening for the Online Bible Study, 7-8.15pm. We will be discussing Matthew 22:1-14 which David preached on last Sunday. If you missed his sermon, let me remind you that sermons are usually recorded and put on the website here.

Ask me for the zoom link for the Bible study.

I am away on Thursday so there will be NO lectio this week.

Sunday 22nd October
David and I will be away and Revd Elizabeth Bussmann will be coming to take the service. Please welcome Elizabeth warmly.

Mental Health and the Christian Faith
On Sunday 29th October, after the service, we will be having an informal discussion about Mental Health and the Christian Faith.

I am aware that concerns over mental health (for ourselves or our loved ones) affect many of us, even though we may not find this easy to talk about. We may also wonder how our Christian faith and belonging to a church community relate to these concerns. The discussion on 29th October is an opportunity to share concerns and think about how we can better support one another. There will be a 'panel' of people with some expertise and experience in this area to help us in our discussion.

If you have particular questions, concerns, topics that you would like to raise please do send these to me before 29th October.

I conclude with a prayer expressing the desire to be transformed to be like Jesus. It was written by William Temple, who was Archbishop of Canterbury, 1942-1944.

O blessed Jesus, who knowest the impurity of our affection, the narrowness of our sympathy, and the coldness of our love, take possession of our souls and fill our minds with the image of thyself; break the stubbornness of our selfish wills and mould us in the likeness of thine unchanging love, O thou who only could, our Saviour, our Lord and our God.

With love in Christ,