Being Church at All Times – 206

Thursday 14 March 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Sunday is Passion Sunday which marks the beginning of Passiontide. During this season, as we approach Good Friday, we reflect on the suffering of Jesus and the meaning of the cross.

Morning Prayer, 8am, Monday - Thursday, will continue during Passiontide. Do come and join us even if you haven't been able to come before now.
Ask me for the link.

Online Discussion on Prayer
Our final online discussion will be next Tuesday, 19th March, 7.30pm.
I will say a few words about retreats, spiritual direction, and silence in prayer. I also invite you to send me any recommended books and other resources on prayer which you have found useful and I will compile a list for us all.
Finally, if you have any questions about prayer (whether practical questions or more theological ones) please send them to me during the week and we can talk about these next Tuesday.
The evening will end by saying Night Prayer together.
For the online discussion please use the same zoom link as the one for Morning Prayer (see above).

Chrism Service, 11.00am, Wednesday 27th March
The Anglican Chaplains across Switzerland will be gathering on 27th March, here at St Ursula's, for this special service. During the service, we as chaplains are invited to renew our ordination vows, and we receive the blessed oils. The service will be led by Bishop Michael Langrish.
Members of St Ursula's are welcome to attend. However, please do let me know if you would like to come as we need to know numbers.
Those attending are invited to bring a packed lunch as we will eat together afterwards.

House Groups
We now have good numbers of people who would like to join a house group and we plan to start with three groups: two groups in Bern, one on Tuesday evening and one on Thursday evening, and one in Thun on Thursday evening. I am sorry that we are not able to fulfil everyone's requests re days and times.

Please be patient as it will take time to choose and train leaders and for them to do their Safeguarding requirements. I will keep you updated when the house groups are ready to start.

Focus on the Cross
During Morning Prayer in Passiontide we will say the responsory below which focuses on the cross. The words are drawn from I Corinthians 1 and Galatians 6. You might want to use this in your own prayers.

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you;
by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world.
God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong.
We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
We preach Christ crucified,
the power of God and the wisdom of God.
By your holy cross, you have redeemed the world.
God forbid that I should glory,
save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you;
by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world.

Collect for Passion Sunday
Most merciful God,
who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ,
delivered and saved the world:
grant that by faith in him in who suffered on the cross
we may triumph in the power of his victory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

With love in Christ,