held at St Ursula's Church on Friday 6 August 2004 at about 14.15

Present: Tricia Carrick (TC), Hector Davie (HD), Lynne Pamplin (LP), Richard Pamplin (RP), Sam Van Leer (SV)

Comment: These notes do not correspond to the order in which topics were discussed, they are more a general summary.

Patterns of Services

The current pattern is essentially very good and well accepted:
1st and 3rd Sundays:Eucharist
2nd Sunday:Service of the Word
4th Sunday:Morning Prayer
5th Sunday:will in future be a "normal" Eucharist.
(It is too much effort with too little return to make it a "Service of the Word with Eucharist") This proposal will be put to council at its next meeting.

Orders of Service

Service of the Word

Special Services

All-Age Worship




Planning Services

Each special service, including all services of the word, should have a coordinator. These were agreed for the next few months:
29th August:LP
12th September:HD
10th October:SV
31st October(Harvest):SV to ask Balogh's housegroup
14th November:RP

Planning Meetings

This group should meet every 3-4 months to review services held in the last 3 to 4 months and plan those coming up. The group would be open to other people too. Inform council.

Next meeting should be held at the start of November : date to be arranged.

Action Points

TC 2004-09-01