note 2019 2018 2017 Forecast 16 2015 Actual
What we know we will spend.
Personnel-related costs 1 138535 134500 112100 118000 151386
Running costs 2 47000 48000 50000 50400 48506
Youth and Junior Church 3 1500 1500 1500 1500 1071
Library 200 100 0 140 22
Diocese/Deanery 4 16000 16000 15000 14315 15164
Charity 5 16654 15100 20000 20000 24344
Financial Expense 200 200 200 500 136
new sound system 7500

Total expenditure before extras 220089 215400 206300 204855 240629

What we pretty much know we will get in
Income from fundraising events 36000 36000 35000 34700 34740
Income from renting out premises etc 25500 25500 25000 22000 26103
Grant from Archdeaconry 3190 11586
Excess from magazine, coffee etc 4000 4000 4000 3640 4837
Income from Thun 6 1000 900 800 700 708
Investment and trust income 600 600 600 600 1360

Sub total: Income before giving 67100 67000 65400 64830 79334

Income from giving -secured 7 151400 151400 151400 139400 141890

Surplus/(loss) before non-budgeted income before any extras -1589 3000 10500 -625 -19405
Extras we would like to do if we can raise the money
Youth work 8 30000 30000 20000
Transfer to building fund 9 10000 10000 10000
Extra charity giving 10 8196 8000 4000
Increase in general reserves 11 5000 5000 5000

Total we would need to raise 12 54785 50000 28500 625

How much extra that is per month 4565 4167 2375

Building fund income and expense
opening balance 342424 87988
Appeal receipts 13 200000 260000
Expenditure/ transfer 500000 0 10000
Removals and furnishing 5000 5564 2926

movement on building fund -305000 254436 -12926

closing balance at year end 37424 342424

Notes to budget

  1. Personnel costs include paid staff travel and insurances
  2. Running costs include the premises and office costs and assume energy saving measures
  3. Youth and junior church does not include a paid youth worker
  4. Diocese and deanery is based on electoral roll and income so can be expected to be higher if we grow
  5. Charity is 10% of secured giving from pledges donations and the collections
  6. Income from Thun assumes an increase in the group numbers and excludes hall rental included in running costs
  7. income secured is collections pledges and donation income based on what is known for 2016
  8. Youth work includes a paid youth worker and facility improvements for the young people
  9. Transfer to building fund is not included in the balance of the building fund as it is not secured
  10. Extra to charity is to increase to 10% of all income
  11. Increase in general reserves is not included in the balance of the general reserves as it is not secured
  12. Total to be raised extra is if we are to cover any loss and to do all extras. Any surplus is also taken into account.
  13. Building fund receipts of 200000 in 2017 are subject to a separate appeal and fundraising effort.

All figures are based on best estimates at time of making budget and are subject to change.

Total to be raised extra is to be raised ideally from new pledges or increased giving in the collection or via donations

Bern October 2016