Thank you for considering helping with crèche!
Crèche is here to make the time at church for the smallest ones (from age 0 to age 3 or 4) enjoyable and to allow their parents to be fully present in the church service. We are grateful for everyone who joins in.
What does helping with crèche involve?
- Helping once a month - or less often, whatever is fitting for your situation
- Being at church 5-10 minutes early and then being in crèche from the very start of church until we are called for communion
- Taking the toys out of the cupboard and cleaning up the toys in the end
- Record the names of the children and helpers in the notebook
- Entertaining the children (if they need any help with this at all...)
- If no crèche children are at church, you can just join the service.
- Helping with crèche requires a safeguarding check.
This means getting a criminal record and doing a short online course. It is a bit of work, but doesn't take much time at all. And Cecily Klingler is very helpful in guiding you through the process.
- Usually, there will be two helpers doing crèche together in the lower hall (one of them a 'leader' in terms of safeguarding checks, the other a 'helper'). If there are few helpers or few children, there will only be one helper doing crèche in the upper hall (in the same room as junior church). Occasionally, a crèche helper might even accompany an older crèche child in their first steps at junior church.
If you have any question, just contact Dominic ( / 076 546 80 85).
Dominic Roser, February 2023
This page was last modified on 12 June 2023