Guidelines for the Sidesperson
Before the service please:
- arrive 40 minutes before the service begins to prepare the church, and check if there are any special needs (Baptisms, Special Visitors etc.) The chaplain will inform you at that time, if not before.
- if the weather is warm, open the church windows. If cold, have the windows closed 10 min before the service begins. Please ask a member of T-Com or someone who knows how to close the windows.
- collect the service, reading and notice sheets in the box file from the vestry, put the box file on the table or cupboard in the porch. Put two of the service and reading sheets on the piano for the musicians.
- check availability of readers. If one or both readers are not present, find a known experienced reader to do both readings. Give collection bags, large reading sheets and a service sheet to each reader.
- if the intercessor does not arrive, ask the chaplain if the text has been sent. If not, then have one of the wardens read one of the contingency intercessional prayers, to be found in the vestry.
- welcome people as they arrive and hand out the service and reading sheets. There may also be flyers to give people.
- five minutes before the service begins, ensure the bell is rung for two to three minutes. Ask a T-Com member or warden to ring the bell.
- if the chaplain anticipates a large congregation, impress upon all people, as they arrive, to sit closer together, three people to two chairs. Adding chairs to the chair row ends is ill advised, as it is a fire safety issue.
- All age services are held once a month (usually on the 2nd Sunday). Children may be involved in the service (setting-up the altar, handing out service sheets and taking the collection). The Chaplain will notify you if you are involved.
- please remain in the porch area for ten minutes after the service begins, to give service and reading sheets to any latecomers.
During the service please:
- count attendance of adults and children and discreetly inform the server of numbers during the peace.
Counting is best done after the first hymn, when all are sitting.
- At the peace, get help to move the lectern to the wall beside the organ, the lectern is awkward to carry: tripping with the lectern could cause injury. Get member of T-Com or warden to help.
- After moving the lectern, inform the Junior Church and the Crèche in the upper hall (note that the crèche may be in the lower hall) that the peace has been given. Tell the JC instructors that you will open the door to let them in after the Invitation to Communion has been extended. (Crèche children will be picked up by their parents, so they no longer concern you.).
- On all-age service Sundays, the children remain in church throughout, so there is no necessity to notify JC at the peace.
- usher people up to take communion.
Try to maintain a steady flow of people to the sanctuary.
When the service has ended, please:
- collect service sheets and return them to the box file (members of the congregation are welcome to keep the notice and reading sheets if they wish).
- get someone to help straighten up the church e.g. chairs in neat rows, papers removed, hymn books should be under the seats. The first row of seats should have two books under each seat.
- count the money with the treasurer. If the treasurer is not at church, find a member of the clergy or an established member of the church, not in your household, to witness your counting. Enter the amount in the receipt booklet, also enter the coffee money amount to the booklet, and sign as witness, put sheet and money in an envelope, and take the envelope to the inner office, for which the clergy has a key.
- Finally, close all window, lock the glass entry doors, lock the oak doors and close the internal door, turn off all lights, make sure all candles are extinguished, and ask the minister to lock the vestry door. This is important.
- if you must leave early, find a council member to assume the above duties. This is very important, as you are responsible for the safety of the church.
If you have any questions, please contact Martin Browne (079 953 96 76). Thank you for helping to serve in this ministry.
This page was last modified on 14 October 2023