Guidelines for the Welcomer
Before the service please:
- arrive 30 minutes before the service begins to be able to welcome new and relatively fresh people / groups.
Please remember to wear your welcome team name tag.
- welcome people as they arrive. If the person seems new to you ask “Have we met before?”
It would be the safest way to ask, if you are not sure. The answer will let you know whether they are new or only come occasionally.
If they inform you that today is a one off, then it is pointless giving them a form.
Tell the new people to come to the porch at the end of the service as you would like to make introductions,
this will ensure you getting them together if there is more than one new person.
- encourage newcomers to complete a welcome form, immediately after the service to ensure we
get their contact details. (Forms are in the porch and in the hall; pens are in the box in the vestry.
PLEASE replace the pen in the box before you leave the church.)
- If people need to be seated, then you should help the sidesperson, who should remain at the main door.
You, as the welcome person, should help people to their seats. Encourage children and parents to sit at the front.
Ask people to move towards the wall. If the church is full ask people to “squash” up on the seats.
- If the sidesperson is called away for some reason take over the distribution of the service sheets but still remember to welcome any new person.
During the service please:
- should an incapacitated person be in the church, such as person in a wheelchair or someone who cannot walk to the Sanctuary
with ease to take communion, then ask the clergy to take communion to them.
After the service please:
- go to the porch and wait for the person or persons you welcomed as they entered the church.
If there is more than one group, wait until you have them all in the porch then introduce them to a member of our clergy,
who will be standing outside the front doors. Then take them to the refreshments in the upper hall to meet a council member
or another established member of our community.
- ask the person or persons a little about themselves. This will break the ice and make them feel welcome and attended to.
Tell them how you feel about St Ursula’s and some good experiences you have enjoyed.
The important point is, do not leave them alone as new people feel shut out from an established group if they are not introduced properly.
- If you have received a newcomer’s form, please remember to put it in the “Administrator” tray on the piano in the upper hall
before you leave.
If you have any questions, please contact Martin Browne (079 953 96 76). Thank you for helping to serve in this ministry.
This page was last modified on 7 March 2024