The weeks leading up to Easter are always rather crowded, and this year is no exception April has a number of special events with the AGM on 2 April; a 'Split Service' video link on Palm Sunday; the New Life Church on Low Sunday; Passover Eucharist; Gideons, and Easter Fire. All this activity is not a bad thing; after all, Easter is the high point of the church's year, so perhaps it should be even busier than Christmas. However, as St Paul reminds us, those who were "baptized into Christ Jesus", were "baptized into his death... For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his." (Romans 6.3,5). It is more important that we spend time with our Lord, united with him, than that we try to go to everything. To help you make Easter special here is an introduction to some of our Easter activities.
Palm Sunday on 9 April: The 10.00 Palm liturgy, with procession round the church (outside, unless it pours), will include elements looking forward to Jesus' passion. This service will also be the occasion for testing out our new video link between the church and the Upper and Lower Halls. When it is in full operation, this link will provide a link for those manning the creche, and enable us to deal with larger numbers on special occasions (starting with the Archdeaconry Choir Festival in May). More details for the logistics of this service will be available soon - please contact the Church Office if you need information.
Maundy Thursday 13 April: On this day in England there is usually a Blessing of Oils in the (nearby) Cathedral. Our diocesan service is on Tuesday 11 April at Holy Trinity Pro-Cathedral Brussels at 11.00, but that is not practicable for us to attend. However, our 'Swiss Bishop' will lead a similar service on Maundy Thursday at 10.00 at St Peter & Paul in Bern. The service is in German and French. You are all welcome to attend this service.
At 18.30 we prepare our 'Passover Communion', based on the Last Supper and incorporating elements of a Jewish Passover in a Eucharist. It recalls the meal that Jesus shared with his friends on the night before he died, which in turn remembers the Exodus from Egypt. We, too, share a meal together and tell the Passover story. We take unleavened bread and wine as Jesus commanded us at the first Lord's Supper. Children are welcome at this celebration and play an important part in it. This is a 'bring and share' meal (Passover items are provided).
Good Friday 14 April: At 10.00 we hold our Family Service, reminding us of the Passion of Jesus, told through a shortened 'Stations of the Cross'. Children are welcome.
Then from 12 until 3 we hold our Good Friday Meditation. There will be readings and prayers interspersed with space for silent meditation. Come and go as you choose: stay for a few minutes, or the whole three hours. If you would like to lead one of the half-hour sessions, please sign up on the sheet available in Church on Palm Sunday.
Easter Eve, Saturday 15 April: Once again we are invited to worship with our sister church here in Switzerland: in French at La Chaux-de-Fonds (starting at 21:00), and in German at the Göttibach Church in Thun (starting at 20:30). Easter fire, Eucharist, and then buffet afterwards take some time, but is well worth experiencing. [Further details from Wendy or me.] There is also a similar service at St Peter & Paul, in Berne (starting at 20:30).
Easter Sunday 16 April. There are two services at St Ursula's: at 9.00 a Eucharist in more traditional style, with organ music and choral singing; then at 10.30 an 'All Age' Eucharist with a more contemporary style, intended to have something for all age groups. (Music mainly with guitars and piano.) Families with children are welcome at both services (children and adults should be able to worship together on this special festival). There is no separate Junior Church or crèche on Easter Day.
Low Sunday 23 April. 10.00 'Service of the Word'. 'Low Sunday' is probably so named as it follows the 'high' festival of Easter, though in England some think it refers to low attendance, which certainly was not the case here last year. This year we have as our preacher Marc Schlatter, who has returned from Taiwan to be minister at the New Life Church in Bern. He will bring a worship team from his Church who will lead the service for us (in English, in case you were wondering).
Sunday 30 April. The Bern branch of Gideons will give a presentation about their work, during and after the service. The collection will be shared with the Gideons.
I hope you will come to some of our services during Easter, to make it special for you. More importantly, I hope you will know the joy of Easter, that transformed the terrible day of Jesus' crucifixion into 'Good Friday' and can transform us as we experience his Easter renewal in our own lives.
Yours in Christ,
Richard Pamplin
Don't Forget that on Sunday 2 April the AGM is at 12.00 after the 10.00 Eucharist. All are welcome, though only those on the electoral roll can vote. Even if you cannot come (or vote), you can still play an important part in this meeting by praying for the right result in the elections of churchwardens and council members.