A History of Anglicans in Neuchâtel
- 1863
- Assembly of all those interested in setting up an Anglican service in Neuchâtel. The committee was asked to contact the Colonial and Continental Church Society (CCCS) in London to take the necessary steps to provide services.
- 1864
- The CCCS agreed to provide services in Neuchâtel from 15 June to 15 October on the condition that Neuchâtel contributes the sum of £25 (625 Fr) plus collections.
After acceptance of these terms, Anglican services took place regularly every Sunday, morning and evening during the summer months from 1864 to 1876. Various clergymen visiting Switzerland from England, Scotland, Ireland, India, China and Jamaica took the services for a month each, thus helping to make Neuchâtel better known abroad.
- 1870
- Services held at Chaumont in the Hotel.
Services in Neuchâtel : Hotel Bellevue, Hotel du Mont Blanc, in several private homes, The Oratoire (Salle des Bercles) etc.
- 1874
- Permission is given to hold regular Anglican services in the Salle des Pasteurs, Collégiale 3, Neuchâtel.
The offer of the Terreaux Chapel was turned down as being unsuitable.
Congregation: composed mainly of English families resident in Neuchâtel, students and English and American tourists. Depending upon the season and the weather, numbers varied between 40 and 120.
- 1876
- The English community expressed a strong desire for a permanent Chaplain and services all year round.
- 1877
- It became very difficult to find a Chaplain and the services were taken by Colonel B.H. Byers of Dublin.
It became known that many families had sent their children to study in Geneva rather than Neuchâtel on account of the lack of Anglican services in winter. Steps were therefore taken to ensure that there would be services throughout the year. The Revd. B.O. Deane from India was sent to Neuchâtel and remained until 1884, taking two services every Sunday until 1880, and from then on only in summer.
- 1884
- The first visit from the Anglican Bishop for Central and Western Europe.
Congregations gradually dwindled due to:
- 1. The threat of cholera in the west of Switzerland, which meant that there were no tourists.
- 2. The lack of suitable premises.
Bishop Tricombe launched an appeal to finance an English Church in Neuchâtel.
- 1884 - 1887
- Services were held in the summer.
- 1887
- With the increased numbers in the English community, it became urgent to have a permanent Chaplain.
- 1887 - 1889
- The arrival of the Revd. G.W. Smith made it possible to have regular services every Sunday, morning and evening. After he left, services were taken by clergy visiting Switzerland.
- 1891
- The Revd. Frank Dodd held two services regularly every Sunday for a congregation of 30 - 80 worshippers.
- 1892
- Miss Jeanjaquet donated 1000 Fr to build an English Church. Collections provided 2000 Fr and other donations another 1000 Fr. The Harvest Festival in Lausanne contributed 220 Fr making 4220 Fr in all.
- 1893 - 1901
- The Revd. John Best took services
- 1894
- The Bishop, the Right Revd. T. Wilkinson visited Neuchâtel.
- 1895
- The 'Conseil Général de la Commune de Neuchâtel' decided to lease a small building occupied by the Alpine Museum to the 'Société Anglaise de Neuchâtel' for use as an English Chapel.
- 1897
- On the 29th January, a service of consecration of the English Church [located in the Palais DuPeyrou] in the presence of official delegates from the Commune and 5 local pastors. The church was full (137 present). The Chaplain from Montreux officiated as the Bishop's representative. The editor of the 'Anglican Church Magazine' and representatives of the English Churches in Lausanne, Berne and Montreux also attended. The Neuchâtel English community was overjoyed.
- 1898
- Another visit from the Bishop.
Annual collections amounted to 1500 Fr,
- 1900
- Another visit from the Bishop. Congregation was 100.
- 1902
- The Revd. G.A. Bieneman, M.A. took over from Revd. John Best.
- 1903
- First Anglican services in Yverdon.
- 1904
- A visit from the Bishop, repeated every second year until 1928. Annual collections 1000 Fr. There were 80 members.
- 1905
- Annual collection: 1800 Fr.
- 1906
- March 27th registration of the 'Congrégation de l'Église anglaise de Neuchâtel' and the adoption of its Statutes.
- 1907
- End of the connection with the CCCS, who presented the English Church with a communion plate and hymnbooks. First recorded donation to the 'Sky Pilot's League'.
- 1909
- Foundation of the Church of England Temperance Society under the auspices of the Revd. G.A. Bieneman. It was noted that gas lamps were still in use in the church, and that the capital funds were held by the Swiss Committee.
- 1910
- Memorial service for King Edward VII attended by delegates from the 'Conseil d'État', the national church and the Swiss Committee of the Anglican Church.
Revd. Bieneman organises services in Les Rasses and Ste. Croix. Name of the Chaplaincy changed from Neuchâtel and Yverdon to Neuchâtel and Les Rasses.
- 1911 - 1912
- Problems arose at Les Rasses because the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel had also arranged services in the village. The Bishop was asked to sort out the problems that had arisen because of this overlap.
- 1913
- The Old Catholic Church arranged for a monthly service in the Anglican Chapel.
- 1914
- Many English students returned to England, but some English refugees arrived. A committee was set up to co-operate with the Red Cross Central Committee. 4185 Fr was spent on purchases of wool, material etc. The Revd. G.A. Bieneman returned to England for the period of the war.
- 1915
- The Commune of Neuchâtel and the Parish of Neuchâtel shared the cost of renovating the interior of the English Chapel (1350 Fr and 2200 Fr respectively).
In the absence of the Revd. Bienenman (away serving in the armed forces) he was replaced by the Revd. C. Hayley.
- 1916
- Regular services were discontinued as many English people had left. The Chaplaincy was placed 'in abeyance'. Occasional services were taken by Chaplains from Berne, Lausanne and Montreux.
- 1918
- Dr. Swallow, a Professor at Neuchâtel University, took regular services between May and his death in October.
- 1919
- Regular services were resumed on the return of the Revd. G.A. Bieneman. Congregations of 50. The Stipend Fund was in credit to ~5500 Fr.
- 1920
- Revd. G.A. Bieneman was appointed as Chaplain in Lausanne, but continued to serve in Neuchâtel with the help of other Anglican Chaplains in Switzerland until 1924
- 1923 - 1924
- Revd. A. Wilson Woodhouse was appointed but was unable to come to Neuchâtel.
- 1926
- Revd. Philip Moore was appointed to Neuchâtel as a permanent Chaplain and remained until 1927.
- 1927
- Revd. A.B. Winter, Chaplain in Berne agreed to take services in Neuchâtel, at first, every Sunday afternoon, later only twice a month.
A Review of the Statutes was undertaken and the amended version was lodged with the Bishop of Fulham [responsible for Europe]
NOTE: Exhaustive searches both in Neuchâtel and at the Archives of the Diocese in Europe, located in the Guildhall Library, London, have failed to find any copy of these revised Statues.
- 1928
- Membership gradually increased.
- 1933
- The 'Les Rasses' Fund was amalgamated with the Stipend Fund.
- 1934
- The Church Assembly (March 4th ) took the decision to remove itself from the 'Register of the Chamber of Commerce of Neuchâtel' and there was no commercial activity.
- 1936 - 1939
- On the death of Revd. A.B. Winter, the Revd. G.A. Bieneman returned from Lausanne to take regular services in Neuchâtel until he became seriously ill.
Congregations of 80 were mainly students. On Armistice Day every year, the service was attended by 130 - 140 people in the presence of the British Vice Consul (Mr Paul de Pury). Poppies were sold in aid of the Earl Haig's Fund for invalid soldiers.
- 1939
- During the Second World War, most students did not return to Switzerland and the English community was reduced to a minimum. [There are very few records available for the period 1940 - 1950.]
- 1940
- Death of the Revd. G.A. Bieneman.
- 1939 - 1945
- The doors of the English Chapel remained open and many weddings and christenings took place.
- 1944 - 1950
- The English Chapel was often used for prayer meetings by various local groups, the Reformed Church, The Evangelical Alliance, The Christian Student Association and the Adventists (during the renovation of their own chapel).
- 1948
- The Old Catholic Church began holding two services a month.
- 1951
- Regular services, twice a month were resumed at the request of the Swiss Committee as many young English students were still being sent to Lausanne, as there were no regular services in Neuchâtel.
The Chaplain for the British Embassy in Berne was responsible for a service at 5p.m. on Sundays and a Communion service at 8.15a.m. on Mondays.
- 1952
- The Chaplain, Revd. W. Rowland Jones, PhD, was very active in Neuchâtel, making weekday visits as well as taking services. Religious life amongst the young and the English-speaking community benefited greatly. He re-instituted a Church Committee. Decisions were taken to re-decorate the church in time for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. A Service was held on the 3 May 1953.
The congregation was made up mainly of students, usually about 60, from the following institutions: Iréna, the Chatelaine, the École Ménagére at Monruz and other boarding houses in the region, the University and the École de Commerce.
- 1953
- A confirmation service was held on the 4th January 1953 with the Bishop of Fulham (the Right Revd. G.E. Ingle, M.A) followed by a reception attended by a small group of local English residents and Swiss friends. Most of the students were on holiday.
The church was made aware of the desire to hold a European Chaplains' Conference. It was noted that the Old Catholics were still using the Chapel.
The committee felt that it was very important that the English Chapel continues to exist and be active, to encourage English families to send their children to Neuchâtel.
- 1954
- The need to find a new place for worship was actively discussed as the Commune wished to use the Palais DuPeyrou for other purposes. The Revd. Rowland Jones returned to the U.K.
The Church was moved to the Salle des Pasteurs and the Revd. R.B. Grey from Berne became involved.
There was considerable discussion of the level of fees required by Berne. Agreed to fund 600 Fr + travel costs.
- 1956
- It was noted that Basel was seeking its own Chaplain, so that Berne could now provide two services / month, but the funds available for this were limited.
- 1957
- The Revd. R.B. Grey wanted Neuchâtel to be formally linked with Berne under the auspices of the S.P.G. It was agreed to maintain the independent nature of Neuchâtel.
- 1958
- Two services / month were maintained and first mention is made of the need to have a rota of helpers.
- 1960
- The Swiss Committee was still in existence, but only with one member, namely, Mr Paul de Pury.
- 1961
- A request was made to upgrade the lighting and heating in Salle des Pasteurs.
The Bishop of Fulham paid a visit on the 28th May 1961
- 1962
- The Swiss Committee was mentioned in connection with a new arrangement at the Société Banque Suisse. Contacts were to be established with the Canadian Junior College.
- 1963
- The church was financially in balance, the rent for the premises being paid by 'Étude Hotz' and not the bank. The question of the size of the congregation and how to encourage growth was raised.
- 1964
- Probably the last year, involving the Swiss Committee. There was a discussion of repairing the harmonium. The Church was still recognised as the English - American Church, There was an increase in attendance mainly amongst students and missionaries learning French in Neuchâtel.
- 1965
- The church was 500 Fr in debt and there was a discussion of how to make the services more popular. The church would also seek help from other churches in the region.
Mr A. Wilson (Chairman) would read the services.
- 1966
- Services continued at twice / month as there was still a link with the Canadian Junior College.
- 1967
- The Committee discussed again about encouraging church growth.
- 1969
- First discussions were held about a new place for Worship, as the Salle des Pasteurs was not ideal.
- 1970
- The future of the Church looked very bleak, as the attendance was very small and the Chairman Mr A. Wilson had returned to the U.K.
- 1971
- The Revd. R.B. Grey had left Berne and had been replaced by Canon S. Baggott. First mention was made of the availability of Revd. P Hawker to come to Neuchâtel. The Committee discussed the need to make the services less Anglican to attract a wider congregation.
- 1972 - 1975
- There are no dated records for this period, but attendance was very poor and discussions were held about closing the Church and disposing of the furniture. It was decided to retain the Carol Service and Canon Baggott said that he would come over to Neuchâtel, however few were present.
- 1976
- Canon Baggott was still holding services. The congregation paid fees and quota to Berne.
- 1977 - 1979
- No records available for these years.
- 1980
- Revd. P Hawker from Berne was taking services in Neuchâtel. He wanted to re-establish a more official basis for the services. The church property was listed on an inventory and sent to Berne.
The possibility of starting a Sunday school was considered and a survey was commissioned.
It was noted that the 'Étude Hotz' was still involved with paying the rent.
Evening services once / month were requested and a possible move to the Chapelle des Charmettes was suggested.
- 1981
- The services had now moved to Chapelle des Charmettes and the time of the service at 5p.m was thought to meet the needs of the congregation.
- 1982
- The decision was taken to amalgamate the Swiss account with the other capital accounts of the church.
There was a discussion of the amount of quota to be paid. Neuchâtel Church was invited to nominate its own representative to the Deanery Synod.
It was noted that Neuchâtel Church had its own legal Statutes, and there was a discussion of setting up an Electoral Roll.
Agreed to maintain the quota at the 1981 level. It was noted that the Statutes called for an Annual General Assembly to be held in January of each year.
- 1983
- An AGM is to be held in 1984. It was noted that the amendments to the Statutes in 1927 could not be found. The statutes of 1906 were distributed and it was agreed to revise them at the next A.G.M.
- 1984
- First A.G.M for many years. The Sunday school was restarted.
- 1985
- It was noted that the 'Société de l'Église Anglaise' was the name of the single account now held at the S.B.S in Neuchâtel. It was agreed to pay 2000 Fr to Berne for the quota and expenses.
- 1986
- There was a small deficit in the accounts. Again there was discussion about setting up an Electoral Roll.
It was noted that we were not a Registered body in Neuchâtel. New hymnbooks were introduced.
The Revd. A Wharton (Berne) was to be involved with the services.
- 1987
- There was a discussion about the poor attendance at House groups.
- 1988
- It was agreed to stay at Chapelle des Charmettes, rather than move to the Junior College.
It was agreed to pay Berne 2500 Fr and 720 Fr to Chapelle des Charmettes.
- 1989
- Decided to retain one service / month. The question of having a Chaplain in Neuchâtel was discussed.
Revd. P Hawker was to move from Berne, help was to be sought from the English Church in Vevey.
- 1990
- The Revd. D Wotherspoon had been appointed to Berne. It was suggested that the 1906 Statutes be revised, but no change was made. The Church was to have its own page in the Berne magazine.
- 1991
- Two services / month were started, one of them being provided by ministers of the Reformed Church.
The annual payment to Berne was increased to 3000 Fr.
- 1992
- Revd. T Whitfield was appointed as an Assistant Chaplain in Berne.
- 1993
- The church was worried by the very poor attendance at the house groups.
The Bishop, the Right Revd. E Holland came for a confirmation service 13th June 1993.
- 1994
- The Church decided to give away a credit balance of 7358 Fr. The Revd. T Whitfield was to spend some 2½ days in Neuchâtel. The Committee decided that the time had come to create a 'Mission Statement'.
- 1995
- Revd. T Whitfield moved to Utrecht and it was hoped that Berne could still be involved in Neuchâtel.
Marien de Bruyne proposed a draft of the 'Mission Statement'. Again there were discussions about creating an Electoral Roll. The Revd. D. Wotherspoon reminded the Church of its Anglican nature.
Discussions led to no change being made to the 1906 Statutes.
Beryl Baker (Paraguay) was adopted as a supported missionary of the Church.
- 1996
- The 'Mission Statement' was adopted at the Annual General Assembly. It was decided that the Electoral Roll would be the Members' Register collected at the Annual General Assembly.
- 1997
- Use of the 'Villa YoYo' was mentioned for the first time in connection with the Sunday school.
- 1998
- Concerns were raised about the lack of children in the Sunday school.
- 1999
- The Sunday school had 'fizzled out'. There was a concern about the lack of pastoral care and support being provided by Berne. The Revd. D Wotherspoon hoped that this could be improved if he had an assistant.
- 2000
- Revd. Linda Bisig (Berne) hopes to come 3 days / month. Actually she was able to come for 2 hours / month to be involved in pastoral care. There was a general lack of commitment in the Church. It was agreed that the services should be overhauled and a more lively approach be adopted.
Revd. D. Wotherspoon left Berne.
The Committee felt that a decision needed to be made about remaining independent or completely join Berne and it agreed to remain independent.
- 2001
- Revd L Bisig (Berne) was to be involved with the church. Revd. R Pamplin (just appointed to Berne) felt that Neuchâtel had 'to grow or else'. He wanted growth and said he would devote some of his time to make this possible, especially through pastoral care. The church funds were in balance, and support for Berne was maintained at the current level.
- 2002
- A request was made for Berne to provide more regular support for the Bible Studies. The church appointed a member to the Archdeaconry Synod.
Revd. S. van Leer was in Berne as an assistant and would provide one day /month pastoral care.
Two services / month were maintained. Discussions were held about changing the name of the church.
At the A.G.M it was noted that the church accounts were in balance.
- 2003
- Discussions were held about creating a website to further encourage growth in the church.
At the A.G.M, the Revd. R. Pamplin asked the church to increase its contribution to Berne, it was agreed to examine this and increase if possible by staged payments.
Discussions were held about setting up a mothers and children's club, to be called 'Tiddlywinks'.
- 2004
- It was agreed to increase the contribution to Berne to 4500 Fr in 2004. Neuchâtel was regarded as an investment by Berne who still expected growth.
The church was in debt to ~2000 Fr in its current account and an appeal was launched.
At the A.G.M, it was reported that the Sunday school and Tiddlywinks' were running well. It was hoped to restart house groups. New hymnbooks were introduced (W: orship Today).
The Chaplain asked the church to increase its giving to Berne to 5000 Fr next year.
- 2005
- There seemed to be a lack of pastoral care from Berne, especially with Revd. S van Leer leaving, and it was requested the Revd. L. Bisig becomes involved in Neuchâtel. 'Tiddlywinks' was very successful and was outgrowing its premises. The Sunday school now used the 'Villa Yo Yo'.
Berne was providing two services /month plus two - three pastoral visits. Ongoing discussions about a Neuchâtel website, as we needed to make a larger impact on the community.
The church funds were still in balance.
A discussion was launched about the exact costs of the ministry provided by Berne. Still trying to restart a regular Bible study. It was noted that 'Tiddlywinks' had moved to Peseux.
- 2006
- Decided to hold a 'Pledge Sunday'. The Sunday school was a big burden on teachers and it was decided to move to one Family service / month. There was still lack of support re the Bible Study and the role of the Revd. W Hough (Berne). The committee felt that it should create new publicity.
At the A.G.M it was noted that the church was in debt ~1000Fr on its current account, but that it still had 58,000 Fr on deposit. The Bible Studies had 'fizzled out'. Revd. W. Hough promised to become more involved. Sadly 'Tiddlywinks' was to be discontinued due to lack of support.
The committee had a major discussion about the exact cost of Berne's support, it had been suggested by Berne that the 'true' costs were nearer 11,000 Fr (in % terms) and that at least Neuchâtel should provide 7500 Fr / annum. It was agreed to increase the contribution to 5000 Fr.
Revd. W. Hough was to come one day / month.
- 2007
- It was decided to seek other ways of raising funds and to make the church more cohesive. It was indicated that Berne had a major financial crisis, and was expected to be in debt ~6500 Fr in 2007, rising to ~25,000 Fr in 2007. The possibility of a short-term loan to Berne was discussed.
At the A.G.M, it was stated that both Revd. R Pamplin and Revd. W. Hough (for financial reasons, see above) would be leaving Berne in the next few months.
The church accounts were in balance with reserves of 55,000 Fr.
There was a possibility of a retired priest coming to live in Neuchâtel later that year.
Revd. Prof. R. Farrar and his wife Mieke arrived in Neuchâtel in September 2007 and becomes the 'Minister in Charge' of Neuchâtel Church.
A review of the relationship to the Berne church was started, but any significant changes would have to await the appointment of a new Chaplain to Berne.
The services in the church had been completely revised and a new series of service sheets introduced based on the seasonal material available as part of Common Worship. New publicity brochures had been designed and made available to the Tourist Office.
Regular Bible Studies had been restarted and were running twice/month on Tuesday evenings.
The treasurers of the church and in Berne were asked to consider the contributions to be made to St Ursula's. It was agreed that this should be 1000Fr for the year 2008 to be paid in two tranches.
Revd. R Farrar suggested that he could arrange a series of training events for the church starting in 2008 and that there would be a service on Christmas Eve (this would be the first time since before World War Il).
Discussions were started about the church having its own web site.
- 2008
- The church committee felt that the time had come to regularise the legal position of the church, with respect to the bank account and the Register de Commerce. It was discovered that the church was no longer registered with the city and that that there was no legal requirement so to do as it was not trading.
At the A.G.M. the Revd. R Farrar reported that the church was stable in terms of size and that there was a real desire to grow His prayer was send THREE new families.
The new website had been launched as www.neuchatel-church.ch and was attracting a good response.
There was an ongoing discussion with St Ursula's about the future relationship between the churches.
Once the new Chaplain of Berne, Revd. P Potter had been appointed in June 2008 a Memorandum of Understanding could be drawn to cover the working relationship.
The annual accounts were in a healthy state and some 2100Fr was given to the work of Beryl Baker.
Several Training Days were organised and covered subjects such Biblical Theology, Prayer and Bereavement.
The church organised a day's walk for families which despite the weather lead to some 2700Fr being raised for Cecily's Fund.
Following discussions with St Ursula's it was agreed to Neuchâtel having its own quota payments rather than being rolled up with Berne. This meant that for the forthcoming year the church would provide 1100Fr for the Common and Archdeaconry Funds. It was also agreed to provide a lump sum of 600Fr to Berne in 2009 to cover their additional costs.
A Memorandum of Understanding was agreed with Berne in September 2008 and this was to be built into any future revision of the Statutes. The committee undertook a review of the existing Statutes which had not been revised since 1906 and planned to bring them to the A.G.M in 2009.
The committee decided to approach Pastor Erinho Lehmann of La Rochette Church for help on this matter. The church was advised that we need to have in place a written policy re Children and VulnerableAdults.
- 2009
- The church committee agreed to re-establish the link with the Intercontinental Church Society, this was achieved in July 2009. The committee also started on a policy to cover the Health and Safety issues connected to the building.
At the A.G.M, it was reported that the annual income had reached 12200Fr, the church was now growing numerically (typically 30+ on a Sunday) and that Bible Studies were happening twice/month. There had been two training days on Bereavement and Prayer.
The new Statutes and Constitutions were considered and finally approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 31st May 2009.
In May the church held a ½ day away called 'A Time to Think' to consider the current state of the church and its future, It was decided that the church should move to a pattern of the 1st and 3rd Sundays with the 1st Sunday being held in the morning to encourage families. [This was enacted in January 2010 when the Chapel became available on Sunday mornings].
The 'Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults' document was approved by the committee in Sept 2009.
Following the adoption of the new Statutes, the legal arrangements with the bank were modified to meet current Swiss law and practice.
In the annual Pledge letter, the possibilty of moving to a 'House for Duty' arrangement for future ministry was to be raised, this would mean an increase in giving of some 20000Fr+/ annum.
- 2011
- Services were moved to the Temple in La Coudre and were held twice a month.
A House for duty Priest, Rev. Dianne Cox served from March 2011 for just over 2 years, and services increased to 3 times a month.
- 2014
- Rev. Christine Bloomfield officiated for a few months.
Neuchâtel was then linked to the Anglican church in Lausanne with Rev. Adèle Kelham.
- 2015
- After a year or more of various locums the church was linked to the Anglican church in Vevey and Revd. Clive Atkinson.
Services returned to twice a month
The history to the end of 2009 is based on an original document written in French by Mrs K. Hotz, which covered the period 1863 - 1953. Mrs M. Haldimann translated this into English in November 2008. The Revd. R. Farrar added additional material from the church records, especially covering the period 1953 - 2007.
This page was last modified on 4 November 2019