Being Church at All Times – 219

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Please remember James Morgan in your prayers as he is ordained deacon this Sunday, 30th June, at Holy Trinity, Brussels.

Please pray for him as he prepares for his ordination and for his subsequent training and ministry as a curate at St Ursula's. Please also pray for Lilian and all the family. We will welcome James as our curate on Sunday 7th July, when James will preach and we will have a celebratory glass of wine after the service.

You can watch short videos of all the ordinands of the Diocese in Europe (including James) in this link.

This YouTube link takes you directly to James' video:

African Social Event, Saturday 6th July, 11:30-15:00.
This event (held in the Upper Hall) will be organised by several members of our congregation from Kenya, Nigeria and Ghana. Come and enjoy delicious food and music, and find out about life and faith in these countries. Entrance is free, but donations are welcome. A flyer about this event is attached.
Everyone is welcome, but numbers may be limited.
Thanks to those who have let us know they are coming. If you would like to come, please let the office know by this Sunday, 30th June.

Malcolm and Maggie Guite
While David and I are away on holiday (22nd July - 5th August), Canon Maggie Guite will be taking the services. I am delighted that Malcolm and Maggie (who are good friends of ours) will be coming to St Ursula's and I have no doubt you will enjoy their time with you and be greatly enriched by all they offer.

Songs and Sonnets Evening with Malcolm Guite, 2nd August
Malcolm has offered to read some of his poems and sing some of his songs at St Ursula's, Friday 2nd August, 19:00. Many of you will be familiar with Malcolm's poems as I often include one at the end of my email message. He is wonderful to listen to, so do come along if you are around in August. I will send out a flyer about this event shortly.

Children's Activity Day, Saturday 24th August, 10:00 - 14:00
Following on from our successful children's Activity Day last year, we are holding another this year on the theme: 'God Feeds Us.' There will be music, games, baking, and input on this theme. The day is for children aged 3-12. (Children 3 - 6 need to have a parent with them).
Please do register your children as soon as you can if they want to come. And please pass this on to other families you know. (There are flyers about this day in church).

House Groups
As you know the House Groups have now started. A big thank you to those who are leading and hosting.
There are two groups in Bern: meeting on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
There will also be a group meeting (monthly) in Thun.
If you haven't expressed an interest before, but would now like to know more about these house groups, please do let me know.

Walking Together in Faith
This is a Diocesan lay learning course run by Dr Clare Amos. You can attend the sessions online via zoom. You can find out more through the link below. You can also speak to Maxine Wildhaber and Richard King who have already taken the course.

Prayer for James
you have taught the ministers of your Church
to be the willing servants of others.
Give to James as he is ordained deacon
skill and gentleness in the practice of his ministry,
and perseverance always in prayer,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Love in Christ,