Being Church at All Times – 225

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

We often celebrate the international nature of our church. We have members from many different nations and cultures. Our church is also made up of people of different ages and this is also something to celebrate. After the restrictions imposed by Covid, it has been a joy to build up our work with families and children again and, more recently, to try to introduce activities for teenagers.

I want to say a big THANK YOU to James and Sandra for offering the Pizza and Movie Night for our teenagers last week and for the regular group that meets in church.

THANK YOU too to our Junior Church teachers and to all those working hard to prepare for our Children's Activity Day, this Saturday, 24th August.
Please do pray for all the children who will attend, and those of us running the day.

Sunday 25th August, All Age Eucharist
On Sunday, we will be taking up the theme from the children's activity day 'God Feeds Us'. I hope that all the families and children will be able to come along to this service.

Autumn Sale, Saturday 7th September, 10:00 - 14:00
Our next Sale is coming up soon! Our book stall, food stall, cake stall will all be open, together with delicious food in the restaurant. If you can help with baking cakes and scones, running a stall or clearing up afterwards, please let the office know.
These events are good community events. Please do come along and bring your family and friends.

Memorial Service for Annegret Kapossy
Some of you will remember Annegret who used to worship at St Ursula's some years ago. There will be a Memorial Service to give thanks for her life and pray for her family on Saturday 7th September, 3.30pm, at St Ursula's.
Everyone is welcome

Creation Season
In recent times, the Church of England and many other churches have set aside the period between 1st September and 4th October as 'Creation Season': a time to especially give thanks to God for the wonders of creation, but also to reflect on our responsibilities as Christians to care for the world God has given us, and what that might mean today when we face the increasing threat of climate change.

At St Ursula's, we will be observing Creation Season in the following ways:

  • Saturday, 31st August: Council Day Away: The Church Council will be reflecting on these issues and how we work together as a church to better care for our environment. We currently have a Bronze Eco Award, but we hope to work towards a Silver Eco Award.
  • Sunday, 1st September: Creation Sunday: We will be reflecting on God our Creator, and giving thanks for all that he has made.
  • Sunday, 8th September: Caring for the Environment: We will be considering further what it means to care for God's world, and how this relates to our faith.

Sometimes we can be so busy that we fail to appreciate the good things around us, and to give thanks to God. The prayer below (written in the style of the Celtic tradition) reminds us to be open to God's blessings even in the ordinary experiences of life.

Opening of the Senses
Blessings today, God, give unto me
Blessings today in all that I see

Blessings today, God, draw near
Blessings today in all that I hear

Blessings today, God, let them be such
Blessings today in all that I touch

Blessings today, God, and joy as well
Blessings today in all that I smell

Blessings today, God, let nothing waste
Blessings today in all that I taste

Blessings today, God, in meeting another
Blessings today, you come as my brother

Blessings today, God, in all I discover
Blessings today, you come as my lover

Blessings today, God, make me aware
Blessings today, for you are there.

David Adam

With love in Christ,