Being Church at All Times – 233

Thursday 7 November 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

There are lots of things going on this coming weekend. I hope you will be able to join in some of them!

Bible Study on Luke's Gospel
I attach a flyer about a study morning on 9th November, 10:00 - 13:00 at Holy Trinity, Geneva. This will be led by Canon Dr Clare Amos, Diocesan Director of Lay Discipleship. Those of you who have heard Clare before will know she is well worth listening to. Everyone is welcome at this event but please register.

Nacht der Religionen
This will be held on Saturday 9th November. The theme this year is meine Stimme, deine Stimme, unsere Welt. This event is put on by churches of different denominations and other faith communities and there are activities, services and discussions. St Ursula's is participating in an ecumenical service at 8pm at St Peter and St Paul. This will be vespers in the Swedish Lutheran tradition. All are welcome.
If you can help with refreshments that evening, please do let the office know.

Remembrance Sunday is Sunday 10th November: During this service we remember those who died in the First World War and Second World War, but also in other conflicts round the world, and we pray for peace.
NB Children will stay in Junior Church throughout this service.

Remembrance Ceremony, Monday 11th November: This will be held at 11am at the Commonwealth War Graves in St Martin's Cemetery, Vevey. Ambassador James Squire will be speaking. All are welcome.

Sunday 17th November: Safeguarding Sunday
During this service we will be reflecting on our need to care for the vulnerable, old and young. There will also be information about the practicalities of safeguarding and we will be praying for Cecily and Maxine, our Safeguarding officers.

Christmas Bazaar, Friday 22nd November, Saturday 23rd November
This event is fast approaching! We still need volunteers to help to set up, to bake cakes, to run stalls. If you can help please do let the office know.

To prepare for this event, we will also be moving the chairs out of the church on Sunday 17th November after the service. If lots of people stay to help this will be a quick job.

COP 29: United Nations Climate Conference: please pray
The 29th climate change conference will be taking place in Baku, Aberbaijan from 11th - 22nd November. Severe climate events across our world, like the recent devastating floods in Valencia in Spain, are getting more and more frequent. Let us pray that the nations of the world will agree to take more action and that we will play our part.

Trusting God with our World
I am sure many of us feel very burdened by the deep divisions and violent conflicts in several parts of the world today, not to mention the extreme weather conditions that have claimed many lives. The world seems very unpredictable and polarised and in many nations people face a brutal present and an uncertain future. While some are celebrating the result of the presidential election in the USA, others are in despair. The collect for this coming Remembrance Sunday calls us to trust God with our world as we pray and work for justice and peace for all people.

Almighty Father,
whose will is to restore all things
in your beloved Son, the King of all:
govern the hearts and minds of those in authority,
and bring the families of the nations,
divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin
to be subject to his just and gentle rule;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.

With love in Christ,