Being Church at All Times – 239

Monday 16 December 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Our Nativity Play last Sunday was a real joy. A big thank you to all the children who took part, to Tricia and all the Junior Church teachers and helpers, to our narrator, Joanna, our excellent readers, Christiana and Aydon, and to our musicians, Brian and Peter.

Sunday 22nd December: Sung Eucharist
Next Sunday will be the Fourth Sunday of Advent when we remember Mary. The service will be a Sung Eucharist so do come in good voice!

Making Christingles
After the service next Sunday, 22nd, we invite any children (and adults!) to help to make Christingles for the service on Christmas Eve. This is great fun.

Carol Service TOMORROW

  • Thun Carol Service, 19.00, Tuesday 17th December (at Chapelle Romande, Frutigenstrasse 22, Thun). Do come and join us for the service and refreshments afterwards.

Christmas Eve, 24th December:

  • Christingle and Crib Service, 4pm (A short service for families and children - but everyone is welcome). If you don't know what a Christingle is, do come and find out!
  • First Eucharist of Christmas, 10pm (A service of Holy Communion).

Christmas Day, 25th December:

  • All Age Eucharist, 10am (A service of Holy Communion for all ages).

We will be thinking about Mary on Sunday and her part in God's purposes. Here is a poem I came across this week, written from Joseph's point of view:

Joseph's Lullaby
Sleep now, little one.
I will watch while you and your mother sleep.
I wish I could do more.
This straw is not good enough for you.
Back in Nazareth I'll make a proper bed for you
Of seasoned wood, smooth, strong, well-pegged.
A bed fit for a carpenter's son.

Just wait till we get back to Nazareth
I'll teach you everything I know.
You'll learn to use the cedarwood, eucalyptus and fir.
You'll learn to use the drawshave, axe, and saw.
Your arms will grow strong, your hands rough - like these.
You will bear the pungent smell of new wood
and wear shavings and sawdust in your hair.

You'll be a man whose life centres
on hammer and nails and wood.
But for now
sleep, little Jesus, sleep.

(Ron Klug)

With love in Christ,