Monday 23 December 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Christmas is nearly upon us! I look forward to seeing some of you at one of our Christmas services listed below. I know that some of you are away or will not be able to travel in to Bern if there is too much snow or ice. I hope you will have a very joyful Christmas with family and friends and have the opportunity to attend a church service wherever that may be.
David and I want to thank you warmly for the many cards, gifts, and kind wishes we have received.
Christmas Eve, 24th December:
- Christingle and Crib Service, 4pm (A short service for families and children - but everyone is welcome). If you don't know what a Christingle is, do come and find out!
- First Eucharist of Christmas, 10pm (A service of Holy Communion).
Christmas Day, 25th December:
- All Age Eucharist, 10am (A service of Holy Communion for all ages).
Donations to the Passantenhilfe
As we celebrate the festivities with family and friends, and give thanks for all the blessings we enjoy, let us remember those in our world, and even on the streets of Bern, who lack the basis necessities of life, and who have no home or family. This may be a good time to donate items to the Passantenhilfe which supports those who are homeless in our city. There is a box in the porch at church. We are encouraged to donate non perishable foods (tins, pasta, rice, biscuits etc) and toiletries.
Christmas on the Edge
God does not choose to work out his purposes through the rich, powerful and influential, but through poor and insignificant people like Mary and Elizabeth. The angels first announce their good news of great joy to the rough unnamed shepherds. The story of Christmas gives us a different perspective on the world.
On the Edge
Christmas sets the centre on the edge;
The edge of town, out-buildings of an inn,
The fringe of empire, far from privilege
And power, on the edge and outer spin
Of turning worlds, a margin of small stars
That edge a galaxy itself light years
From some unguessed-at cosmic origin.
Christmas sets the centre at the edge.
And from this day our world is re-aligned;
A tiny seed unfolding in the womb
Becomes the source from which we all unfold
And flower into being. We are healed,
The End begins, the tomb becomes a womb,
For now in him all things are re-aligned.
(Malcolm Guite)
Happy Christmas!
With love in Christ,