Wednesday 22 January 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings on this cold and foggy morning!
Eco Forum
I want to thank our Eco Group for all their hard work in planning for the Eco Forum last Sunday. It was so encouraging that 60 people stayed after the service to participate. Thank you!
If you were not able to be there but would still like to join in the feedback and share your thoughts, please fill in this very short questionnaire. The Eco Group will analyse the feedback we received on Sunday and any questionnaires we receive afterwards and we will make a report at some point.
We will also use the feedback to plan our next steps of Eco activities.
Watch this space!
THIS SATURDAY, 25th January: St Ursula's Pop Up Market, 10:00 - 12:00
We now have 14 stalls with a variety of second hand goods for sale. We will also have our usual St Ursula's book stalls and our cafe will be open selling home baked goods.
Do come along!
There is more information in this link.
Sunday 26th January: Ecumenical Service
This coming Sunday, 26th January, there will be an ecumenical service in Bern, to mark the week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Usually this service is held in the Münster, but PLEASE NOTE, this year it will be held in the French Church, Zeughausgasse 8, 3011 Bern (because there is scaffolding up in the Münster).
Please do come along to this ecumenical service as we worship with Christians of other traditions.
NB there will be NO SERVICE at St Ursula's that Sunday.
Musicians Needed
We are very thankful to our team of dedicated musicians who take turns on a rota to play the music at our services at St Ursula's. We would be glad to have more musicians on the rota especially as one of our team will be leaving later in the year. There are many new members of our church and perhaps some of you play a musical instrument? If you are interested in joining the team, do let Helen know.
Electoral Roll
Would you like to be on our electoral roll? This means you can vote at our Annual General Meeting. You need to be baptised but you don't have to be an Anglican: you can be a baptised member of any church in communion with the Anglican church. You need to have worshipped with us regularly for at least 6 months. If you would like to join the electoral roll, please do ask Tricia and she will give you the simple form to complete (Forms in the Upper Hall).
NB. This year the electoral roll is completely revised (it has to be done every 6 years) so EVERYONE has to complete the form. (Even if you have been on the electoral roll in the past).
Prayers about Caring for Creation
Creator God,
you made the goodness of the land,
the riches of the sea,
and the rhythm of the seasons;
we we thank you for your gracious providing
may we cherish and respect this planet and its peoples,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord of life and giver of hope
we pledge ourselves to care for creation,
to reduce our waste,
to live sustainably,
and to value the rich diversity of life.
May your wisdom guide us,
that life in all its forms may flourish,
and all creation praise You,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
With love in Christ,