Wednesday 5 February 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Warm greetings on this very cold morning. I know some of you are still on holiday and I hope you have a refreshing time. I also know that several people have been ill with viruses that are going around. Take care and keep warm!
Sunday 9th February
This will be an All Age Eucharist with the children and young people involved in the service.
Ladies Breakfast, Saturday 15th February, 9.30-11am
There will be a bring and share breakfast in the Church House (or if numbers are too high in the Church Hall). After breakfast, there will be a Bible study, and opportunity to share and pray for one another. Please let Helen know if you are interested in coming.
Mission Sunday, 23rd February (Sung Eucharist)
We will be focusing on mission in the service and also highlighting the charities we support and praying for them. After the service, James Morgan will speak about his volunteer work with the Drop-in Day Room of the Heilsarmee in Bern.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 5th March. There will be a special Eucharist at 6.30pm. Do put that date in your diary now. More details about activities in Lent to follow soon.
Eco Forum Questionnaire
The Eco Group will be analyzing all the feedback from the Eco Forum soon, so if you would like to be included in that, please do fill please fill in this very short questionnaire.. This will help us as we plan our next steps of Eco activities.
Musicians Needed
We are very thankful to our team of dedicated musicians who take turns on a rota to play the music at our services at St Ursula's. We would be glad to have more musicians on the rota especially as one of our team will be leaving later in the year. There are many new members of our church and perhaps some of you play a musical instrument? If you are interested in joining the team, do let Helen know.
Electoral Roll
Would you like to be on our electoral roll? This means you can vote at our Annual General Meeting. You need to be baptised but you don't have to be an Anglican: you can be a baptised member of any church in communion with the Anglican church. You need to have worshipped with us regularly for at least 6 months. If you would like to join the electoral roll, please do ask Tricia and she will give you the simple form to complete (Forms in the Upper Hall).
NB. This year the electoral roll is completely revised (it has to be done every 6 years) so EVERYONE has to complete the form. (Even if you have been on the electoral roll in the past).
There are a number of our regular worshippers who are usually on the Electoral Roll who have not yet filled in the form. Do ask me or Tricia if you want to know more.
Encounter and Call
This coming Sunday's readings tell of Isaiah's encounter with God through a vision, and Peter meeting Jesus on the shores of Lake Galilee. In both cases, the encounter also leads to a call: Isaiah is sent with a message to the people of Israel and Peter is called to follow Jesus and share his message with others.
You might find the poem below helpful as an aid to reflect on the call of the Lord on your life:
The Call of the Disciples
He calls us all to step aboard his ship,
Take the adventure on this morning's wing,
Raise sail with him, launch out into the deep,
Whatever storms or floods are threatening.
If faith gives way to doubt, or love to fear,
Then, as on Galilee, we'll rouse the Lord,
For he is always with us and will hear,
And make our peace with his creative Word,
Who made us, loved us, formed us and has set
All his beloved lovers in an ark;
Borne upwards by his Spirit, we will float
Above the rising waves, the falling dark,
As fellow pilgrims, driven towards that haven,
Where all will be redeemed, fulfilled, forgiven.
(Malcolm Guite)
With love in Christ,