Tasks for All-Age Worship Team
Coordinator (preferably 2 people so they can bounce ideas off each other)
- responsible for the overall structure of the service
- coordinates with the people responsible for the different areas
- ensures the service contains elements for a11 ages (not just children)
- finds people to do the talks / lead the activities
- decides theme and aims with chaplain
- With coordinator decides on the music for the service
- Organises people to play, tells them what to play and ensures they have the music in good time
- Decides what is played on which instruments
- Organises practices, 1f needed (if several people are playing together)
- Informs Junior Church about the music, so that the children can practise s
- finds people to read the chosen passages (not just bible readings)
- ensures the readers receive the readings in time to practise
- organises practices if several people are reading together
- organises practices for young readers 'or anyone else who is unsure) •
- with the coordinator selects (or writes) appropriate prayers for the theme. (Thanksgiving etc.)
- finds someone to lead intercessions, infonns this person of the theme and the bible readings.
- with the coordinator finds ways to involve the children
- works with the Junior Church for any preparation needed .
Organisation (could be different people for each task)
- find and brief sidespersons
- find people to take collection
- find someone to put OHP slides up
- any other tasks that are needed during the service
- ensure the church is ready 10 minutes before the service; everything in place .
- produce service sheet - draft (clearly marked as such) well in advance
- photocopy music, readings etc.
- produce any OHP slides that are needed