Present: H. Davie (Chairman), D. Wotherspoon, T. Whitfield, D. Hildebrand, J. Wenger, B. Wotherspoon
The Chaplains had experimented with some of the solutions proposed at the meeting of 7 April, and it was noted that the use of the Gloria as a Gradual hymn had been favourably received.
Sidespersons should be reminded to usher people to communion promptly, so that there was no gap after the organist had gone to the sanctuary rail. It was noted that the celebrant might communicate during the singing of the Lord's Prayer.
The organist had a part to play in saving time: the tempo of hymns, and the shortening of introductory stanzas could have a minor effect. The Chaplain undertook to discuss the possibilities with Hans Pfyffer.
It was felt that it was good if members of youth groups contributed actively to worship. There was room for further liaison with youth leaders on the form that this might take. It was important to integrate this contribution into the regular worship pattern: overall control must remain in the hands of the chaplains.
Integration also meant sharing in intercessions, tidying the church, making coffee, etc.
It would be difficult to provide organists for both services during July and August. Despite the pattern of lower attendances during the holiday period, it was felt that the two main services should continue through the summer. This would give scope for more choruses, using the piano and other instruments. The Chaplains would establish where gaps needed to be filled.
It was agreed that the previous meeting's proposal that the bread and wine should be carried as part of the procession (by the sidesfolk) should be tried out.
It was felt that a regular formal music meeting would not work. It was best if David, Brenda and Trevor contacted people with talents informally, one by one. It was noted that people should be contacted early in the week!
They were already meeting on a Monday morning once a month to prepare music. This appeared to be a good pattern of work.
It was suggested that an informal music evening might be held, where those with talents might participate - this might be co-ordinated with one of the Prayer and Praise Evenings.
The possibility of sung versicles and responses should be investigated.
Psalms should be reincorporated: these could be in a traditional form or perhaps in a modern form (e.g. Psalm Praise).
There has been some call for a regular use of the 1662 service book. It would be appropriate to use this at the 8.00 Communion Service on an occasional or a regular basis.
It would be good to sound out the opinions of the congregation about such services. It was felt that Harvest Festival and Christingle services could usefully be held at Wittigkofen. The importance of having a committee to coordinate arrangements was stressed.
A bell had been purchased and would be installed as soon as possible. Sidespersons would have to be told when to ring it. Junior Church teachers should be instructed to be ready to come in when the bell rings, and not to go back to finish their teaching. Junior Church would officially be timed from 9.30 to 10.15.
The chaplains said that they would implement this proposal as soon as possible.
August 30 - Junior Church Service of Dedication.