Present: Revd David Wotherspoon, Wendy Astor, Sheila Camhi, Hector Davie, Barbara Winfield
Apologies: Jan Butler, Richard Stern
Review of Christmas Services:
Christmas Eve was OK.
Christmas Day: in the future consider perhaps only one service (Lessons and carols no HOLY COMMUNION Rite B)
Length of service: Christmas Eve Service perhaps shorten Creed etc.
Flowers: Church should be more generously decorated. Frances Kipfer to be asked to diplomatically speak to Annemarie Walthert.
Christmas Day meal: ended up at Sheila Camhi's. Next year when the new kitchen is complete this should be arranged in the hall.
Recommendations to be put forward to Council for Chalice Service.
Music for Easter: Sheila Camhi suggested learning one of two short simple anthems for Easter. It was decided that there should be 2 or 3 intensive practices. This should be announced in notices and verbally on Sundays leading up to Easter with a plea for volunteers. A list should be made available in the church hall for those wishing to take part to sign up. Dates of rehearsals will be announced.
It was also suggested that more well-known hymns should be chosen for Easter Sunday.
Easter Week: There will be a Passover Supper at ca. 18.00 followed by Holy Communion Service with the washing of the feet at ca 20.00. An explanation of the Passover Supper ritual should be clearly explained on a hand out sheet to save time.
Lent Study: The theme is "What on Earth is the Church for?" The Study is to begin on Ash Wednesday following the Holy Communion Service and is open to all. The Housegroup members will attend the Ash Wednesday Study evening and also the last Wednesday evening in Lent on 7 April doing the rest of the study in their housegroups.
The last Wednesday (7 April) answers to the Study questionnaire will be reviewed all together.
It was suggested that there be the Imposition of the Ashes at the Ash Wednesday Service.
Mothering Sunday will be as usual. Flowers will be ready by Ann Manning and one will be handed out per family.
Length of Services in general: Chaplains are to prepare and bring to Council ideas on a shortened Holy Communion Service to be used from time to time. They should also consider a Prayer Book Service once in a while.
The next meeting will be 9 March 1993 at 19.30.
The meeting closed with the grace.