The following were in attendance: Hilda Grant, Marianne Woodford, Cecily Klingler, Sheila Camhi, Sue Faillettaz, Danielle & Martin Ellis, Tricia Carrick, Wendy Astor, David Wotherspoon.
Apologies were received from: Rob Sheldon & Hector Davie
dcw - 16 June 1995
NOTES from Worship Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 13th June 1995 at 1900 Present: W. Astor, S. Camhi, T. Carrick, D.Ellis, M. Ellis, S. Faillettaz, H. Grant, C. Klingler, M. Woodford, D. Wotherspoon Apologies: H. Davie, R. Sheldon The meeting opened with prayer.
David explained the purpose of this committee: to get feedback on which aspects of worship work well and which don't; to discuss ideas and inspiration of what we can do better.
So let's start by looking at the positive things. {But we didn't!}
Wendy asked whether ringing the bell 5 minutes before the service was too early. After a long discussion, it was agreed not to change.
Sidespersons should ask people to sit at the front and not in aisle seats, so as to reserve those seats for latecomers {minimises disruption}. Additionally, the back two rows on each side will be roped off until the service starts - again to have space for late-comers.
Sidespersons need to ensure that normally no-one sits right at the back on the organ side, in order to facilitate access to the elements to be taken up for communion.
Choir are responsible for ensuring their seats are reserved. JC teachers must organise books at the front for themselves.
Martin commented on the good atmosphere when the children came in - a feeling of welcome, humour, warmth. Cecily said that the teachers waiting outside haven't always felt that, especially trying to keep the children quiet for an indefinite amount of time.
There are several disadvantages to the current arrangement'.
Decision: from middle of August the children will again come into church at the peace; they will be welcomed into the service at that time. Teachers should assume that they have 40 minutes teaching time; bell will be rung at the start of the intercessions, someone (sidesperson) will come and fetch the children, who will enter by the front door.
On-The-Edge will only meet on MP Sundays - children who have been confirmed should be in church for the whale service on communion Sundays.
On MP Sundays JC will join the whole church family at the end of the service - for a talk (optional), hymn and prayer. {assume 45 minutes teaching time}
Notices will always be given after the children come in. {teachers also hear them!}
No further discussion on the subject. We do it this way far at least a year. A letter should be sent to JC parents so that they are properly informed.
Following aspects still need to be looked at.
David commented that the pressure is taken off somewhat if we have alternating Communion and MP services, as there is more flexibility possible with a "normal" MP service. 5th Sundays will normally be Communion (not family services). Following dates fixed:
Aug 27th (Teachers' Dedication); Oct 16th (Harvest); Dec 3rd {Advent - family communion}
Apparently the Pentecost service was wonderful - David prepared it in 10 minutes, following advice from Rob Sheldon not to re-invent the wheel every time.
Organisation of All-Age worship still unclear: input is wanted from JC and others.
Draft version of the extra sheets was presented by Tricia; to be distributed with minutes - only look at content; format will be improved. General enthusiasm for the inclusion of frequently sung songs and the baptism service. Note: after the meeting Martin said that he could design the front sheet, if we told him what sort of thing we wanted - he'll liaise with David.
Other points: (all raised by David)
No further changes to be done at present; other corrections can be done when we revise the book - at the end of the life of these books {3 years?}
The vestment cupboard at the back of the church should be removed. David's wish would be to create a prayer corner there - obviously, needs to be flexible so that the seating can be used on Sunday mornings. Where do we want the piano, organ, pulpit, altar etc.?
We need a work-day {David to fix date - a Saturday in August}; preceded by a small group drawing up 2 or 3 sketches. Leave new arrangement for Sunday and see what comments are received.
Tricia commented on how much she appreciated these services - but maybe the format could be changed to include some singing. Suggestion: singing; evening prayer; singing.
Various comments / ideas mentioned:
David suggested the following pattern:
Needs to be publicised in magazine and elsewhere; encourage people to show some initiative! And needs commitment.
Martin commented on the "positive, spirit-filled" atmosphere of this meeting and hoped it would continue. Next Meeting: August 8th 1995
The meeting closed with prayer at 20.30.