Monday 3 June 1996, 19.00

Present: Messrs Camhi, Carrick, Faillettaz, Klingler, H. Davie, D. Wotherspoon. Apologies: W. Astor

  1. The Chaplain took the chair and the meeting opened with prayer.

  2. The Chaplain apologised for mislaying the minutes of the previous meeting. (Something he is very good at!)

  3. Notwithstanding point 2 above, a general discussion followed on the main points of the previous meeting, i.e. altar rails, timings, hymns etc.

  4. Arising from the discussion the following recommendations were made:

    4A Banners - Sue Faillettaz undertook to keep an eye on, and change, when necessary, the various seasonal banners.

    4B Sidespersons - The Church Wardens be asked to arrange a Sidespersons' Evening of Training and Fellowship.

    4C Servers - S. Camhi to solicit for more servers and to arrange a Training/Fellowship evening for servers.

    4D Flowers - V. Summers to be asked if floral arrangement could be such as to be kept clear of area where congregation receive communion, i.e. flowers be moved back and chaplain's chair repositioned.

  5. It was reported that Ri Stern had offered to organise regular praise services on the 2nd Sunday of each month as from August.

  6. The following arrangements/dates were confirmed:

    June 30th - All Age Worship, R.Stern in conjunction with C. Klingler
    Sept. 1st - Junior Church Dedication Service
    Oct. 13th - Harvest Festival

  7. Sue Faillettaz is considering Advent Play

  8. Date of next meeting is 12 August 1996 at 19.00 - Main subject - Advent and Christmas Services.

DCW/sb 5.6.96