Notes on a meeting of the Worship Group
held at Jubiläumsplatz 2 on 10 June 1997 at 1930.

Present: Revd David Wotherspoon, Hector Davie, Sue Faillettaz, Cecily Klingler

The meeting opened with prayer.

  1. The current procedure for giving the notices was working well. DW had heard no negative comments. It was noted that on several occasions the notices had been difficult to hear. It was agreed to ask the person giving the notices to use a microphone. The lectern microphone was missing. DW would look into this, and into the provision of a cupboard for storing microphones.

    It was noted that microphones would be used at the confirmation service, and that the Delta church and the Swedish church brought their own sound equipment.

  2. The Ascension Day service had been successful, but the planned picnic had not happened. HD suggested that such events needed a nucleus of enthusiastic families, and that with this, events would take place with a minimum of organisation.

  3. There had been a number of positive comments on the All Age service on June 1. Reasons for success:

    It was noted, however, that the music at the current day's service had been 'livelier': there had been less participation on June 1 in the form of clapping and tapping feet.

    Attendance on June 1 had been lower than usual. It was thought that this was because there was no teaching, and so some families had stayed away. DW suggested that we do not announce in advance that there would be no teaching.

    SF felt we should omit some of the verses of the longer hymns.

    CK presented a folder of prayers written at the June 1 service. DW proposed making a selection of these and printing them in holograph in the coming Prayer at the Centre, to let them speak for themselves.

    DW felt the length of the June 1 service had been a problem. HD noted that this had been because the baptism service could not easily be shortened.

    All agreed that it had been good to have the service all on one handout.

  4. The screen was too low. To be visible when the congregation were standing, it needed to be above the level of the door into the half, and definitely outside the sanctuary. If possible, it should be moveable for special services. DW undertook to contact Ken Hawkes.

  5. The service on 29 June would be a normal eucharist - Junior Church had team teaching. Wendy should be told not to put "Family Eucharist" in the magazine, as this was confused with All-Age Worship.

  6. There was discussion about when the children should come in at the Eucharist - it was suggested they broke the connection between the Prayer of Humble Access and the Peace. If they came in during a hymn, this would be less orderly, and would make DW's welcome,., less effective. It was agreed the present arrangement should continue for the time being.

  7. It was noted that there were still opportunities to explain parts of the service. DW noted that he did a lot of this in private.

  8. There was a need for a clear directive on children receiving communion. DW noted that he was flexible in this, but that he was unwilling to pioneer a first communion class. HD suggested the matter be raised at synod.

  9. DW mentioned possibilities for people to offer their musical talents. Tony Reid, for example, might play the guitar. CK wondered whether there had been enough prayer about this - it could form part of the intercessions. It was noted that the children's shakers were as effective as any other musical instruments.

  10. The archdeaconry seminar had been well attended. DW felt that the couple of sessions he had attended had been too historically based. HD noted that the first and last sessions had stressed participation - there should be opportunities to meet together in worship.

  11. There was difficulty persuading people to stand for communion. It was noted that the kneelers needed fastening with velcro, and that it was the responsibility of the sidesperson to ensure that the central kneeler was put down and taken up before and after communion, although in practice this was normally done by the chalice bearer.

  12. It was agreed to hold an All-Age service on 31 August. It was again stressed that we should not advertise the fact that there was no teaching on that day. The theme was "Those in authority."

  13. Miranda Schwab would be starting work with the cast of the Nativity Play (20 December) directly after the summer holidays. She would be preparing with bible study and method acting with role play.

  14. The Heiliggeist service would be on 18 December.

The meeting concluded at 2045 with prayer.

Action List

WhatWhoBy when
Provide storage for microphone (and find missing one(s))DCWa.s.a.p.
Relocate screenDCWa.s.a.p.
Tell WA not to use term "Family Eucharist"Office15.06.97
Raise question at synod of children receiving communionDCW/HD14.06.97
Fasten kneelers with velcroOffice29.06.97
Provide input for All-Age Worship 31 AugustAll12.08.97
