held at St Ursula's Church on Tuesday 8 June 1999 at 1930 hours

Present: Hector Davie, David Wotherspoon

  1. Sound System

    It was noted that the new sound system was working well, and was used extensively at the 0830 and 1800 services. It would be useful when children were reading or doing the intercessions, as at the forthcoming confirmation service.

  2. Children in Church

    It had been suggested that instead of the children's slot, children should go directly to their parents when coming into church. David said the consensus was in favour of retaining the present arrangements. He hoped to have access to the Junior Church materials to make his talk more meaningful and relevant.

  3. Liturgical Revision

    It was agreed to aim at having a new service book by the end of the year. This was dependent on having the texts of Common Worship Order 1 available: David undertook to look further at what was so far available. Hector undertook to look out the software copy of the existing service book.

    It was felt that council should be involved in the revision, and that Nigel should be consulted on the musical aspects of any revision.

    David hoped that it would be possible to sing the responses at Morning Prayer: this involved liaison with the choir.

    The new service book should contain the order for Evening Prayer in addition to the Eucharist and Morning Prayer. There was discussion as to whether to buy a set of service cards for baptisms.

  4. Baptisms

    The previous Sunday's baptism had distressed some people. Three possibilities were discussed: private baptisms (for the unchurched) were felt to be theologically undesirable, but had practical advantages; a fixed `Baptism Sunday' (the fourth in the month?) had the advantage that those not liking baptisms could stay away - there was discussion as to whether this was theologically sound; or baptism during the Eucharist, as envisaged by the Liturgical Commission. It was possible that different policies could be adopted according to the degree of involvement of the baptizands or their parents in church life.

    The idea of sending cards to the baptized on the anniversary of their baptism was discussed as a valuable form of outreach.

  5. Confirmation Service 26 June

    There would be two to be baptized and eleven to be confirmed from Berne, and other confirmands from Lugano, Basle and Zurich. Space would make the logistics of the service difficult.

  6. Thun Saturday Eucharist

    Attendances ranged between three and sixteen, this latter in response to a specific mailing shot. It was felt that 1700 was not a good time, especially in summer, and that it might be worth experimenting with holding a service at 2000.

  7. All Age Worship - August 29

    David would discuss this with the Junior Church team. The theme suggested by the collect for the day was mission, but there might be a relevant theme in the Scripture Union materials.

WhatBy whomWhen
Liaise with Junior Church over theme for `children's slot'DCWOngoing
Get materials for service book revisionDCW, HD10 August
Present service book proposals to councilDCW, HDAugust
Decide baptism policyDCW, CouncilAugust
Experiment with 2000 Thun ServiceDCWAs appropriate
Plan 29 August serviceDCW, JC teammid-July
