![]() | St Ursula's Church, Berne, Switzerland |
A number of reports and accounts are attched to the church's service books, which still exist. These include:
I beg to present to you the Annual Report of the English and American Church at Berne, as set forth at the last General Meeting.
Allow me to thank all the members of the Congregation for their kind support & courtesy shown to me since my appointment last Easter, which I hope may be extended to me as long as I am Chaplain here.
I take this opportunity of calling your attention to the fact that Lent & Easter fall very early this year, & to the necessity of Public Worship as a means of deepening the Spiritual Life - "not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together", as the Apostle says. Lent is a Penitential Season, in which some small self sacrifice should be made by us all. Prayer, Fasting & Almsgiving are the three cardinal Virtues enjoined and connected together by our Master. - "If ye know these things, happy are ye, if ye do them." - May God grant you this happiness in the present year is the earnest prayer of
Your faithful Servant in Christ
W.H. Boyne Bunting