Here are some less recent articles from our Newsletter:
- A Word from Peter (April 2010) - Easter: Change for the better
- A Word from Peter (March 2010) - What did our questionnaire show?
- A Word from Peter (February 2010) - Marriage is still popular
- A Word from Peter (December 2009) - Christmas is still real!
- A Word from Peter (November 2009) - God has not finished with us when we die
- A Word from Peter (October 2009) - Wise Stewards
- A Message from Peter (September 2009) - Who are we? Cards and Questionnaires
- A Word from Peter: Chicken soup for the soul (July 2009) - There is no such thing as a lone Christian
- A Word from Peter: God as Trinity (June 2009) - Faith is not primarily about understanding
- A Word from Peter: Freedom and Responsibility (May 2009) - We are the body of Christ, not mere individuals
- A Word from Peter: Alleluia, Christ is risen (April 2009) - Old news for new people. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
- A Word from Peter (March 2009) - A Guide to Lent
- A Word from Peter (February 2009) - Candlemas: a turning point of the church's year
- A Word from Peter (December 2008) - Is Christmas a time for over-indulgence? It all depends.
- A Word from Peter (November 2008) - Does religion cause wars?
- A Word from Peter (October 2008) - Living together as pilgrims
- A Word from Peter (September 2008) - Moving On
- A Word from Peter (July 2008) - The new gardener
- A Word from Peter (June 2008) - Learning while packing one's goods and clearing one's desk
- The Potters are Coming (May 2008) - Out new chaplain tells us about himself
- Real Easter Greetings (April 2010) - What did Jesus say on Easter Day?
- Temptation (March 2010) - Proving who we are
- What about the Dragons? (February 2010) - One Gospel - but many different hearers
- Sharing our Nature. (December 2009) - Jesus was born into a family, a community, a world.
- Aldi and the Parish Church (November 2009) - Is the church still living in the Middle Ages?
- Whose body is it anyway? (October 2009) - It's there for others too!
- Creation (September 2009) - What is dominion all about?
- Children (July 2009) - What is upbringing? What is inheritance?
- Bodies (June 2009) - Christians need bodies - but beautiful ones?
- What to do with Lots of Money (May 2009) - We all have talents, let's use them!
- Shepherds (April 2009) - The carpenter, the Lamb, and the shepherd too, on Good Friday and after Easter
- Hear my prayer? (March 2009) - Does God listen to us, or should we listen to God?
- Knowing it all (February 2009) - Jesus is there when we are out of our depth
- Silent Night? (December 2008) - Why are we so quiet about the real message of Christmas?
- Remembrance (November 2008) - In what sense are the dead "still with us"?
- Shawm, Sackbut or Psaltery? (October 2008) - How can we all "make a joyful noise"?
- How Old was Judas? (September 2008) - What does the Bible really say?
- These Words of Mine (July 2008) - We don't need phylacteries: we have Jesus!
- A Secular World (June 2008) - Has the world forgotten about God?
- Witnesses or Witnesses? (May 2008) - How do we show our faith?
- Vision or Reality? (April 2008) - How "really" did the Resurrection happen?
- Supper with his Friends (March 2008) - The night before Jesus died
- Custodians (February 2008) - How sinful is it to leave our windows open?
- Communication (December 2007) - Christmas is an opportunity to spread the Good News!
- The Word that Never Errs (November 2007) - ...but the message is more important than the words!
- Instant Results? (October 2007) - We can't all be patient - but neither could Jesus.
- Truly Free (September 2007) - Is God a tyrant, or on (and at) our side?
- Saying Goodbye (July 2007) - A Farewell Message from Richard and Lynne
- Two's Company, Three's a Crowd (July 2007) - Should our church be "company", "a crowd" or something in between?
- Not the Chaplain's Letter (June 2007) - Reflections on Habakkuk and on reaching out - from Lynne
- All Welcome! (June 2007) - We welcome all who come - for whatever reason!
- Have the same mind as was in Christ Jesus (May 2007) - Waiting for the Spirit
- Following the Spirit (May 2007) - Led by the wind - but where to?
- No Task too Great (April 2007) - Can God really do everything?
- It's Lent (March 2007) - Time for a Hard Look
- Making Sense (March 2007) - Where is God when people die young?
- New Century - Old Challenges (February 2007) - The task ahead for St Ursula's
- Christmas Past', 'Christmas Present', & 'Christmas Future' (December 2006) - Chaplain's Message
- Flesh and Word (December 2006) - Something incredible happened in Bethlehem
- November is all about.... (November 2006) - Remembrance
- Like a Mighty Army (November 2006) - What sort of army might that be??
- Stewardship and the 'Body of Christ' (October 2006) - There are no passive Christians
- War, Peace and Jihad (October 2006) - Christians, Jews, Muslims, and the struggle for holiness
- Centenary Thoughts (September 2006) - Still working to spread the Gospel
- Hope (September 2006) - As important as faith and charity!
- 'Mission Field Europe' (July 2006) - How do we carry out the Great Commission?
- Politics and the Poor (July 2006) - "Something should be done"
- The Star, the Cross and the Crescent (June 2006) - What about other believers?
- How does Prayer Work? (May 2006) - Conversations and shopping lists
- A Busy April! (April 2006) - Our Easter Services
- Community of Prayer (April 2006) - We cannot afford not to pray
- Passing Over (April 2006) - Jesus' last days: an end of slavery
- Muslim Protest, Hollywood, and the Church (March 2006) - Insults and The Da Vinci Code
- From Our Assistant Chaplain (March 2006) - About herself and her work
- Pity the Poor Hivites (March 2006) - We should love each other - not just fellow Christians!
- 100 Years of St Ursula's (February 2006) - A changing, living community!
- The Poor haven't Gone Away (February 2006) - Standards may change, but some things have never changed!
- Wormholes (December 2005) - Different ways to different worlds: Emmanuel
- Joining the Club (November 2005) - Members are bound by the same laws as people outside
- Members (October 2005) - Let's get key body parts working!
- Wise and Wonderful (October 2005) - Did God really make the slugs and tapeworms?
- Armageddon! (September 2005) - Stop reading rubbish about the Last Days
- Looking Back (July 2005) - We may be free, but we are committed!
- Shrewd as Serpents (June 2005) - Christians need to adapt to the world around
- Each in our Own Language (May 2005) - The Spirit speaks our language too!
- A Post-Easter Meditiation (April 2005) - Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness
- How Narrow is the Way? (April 2005) - I believe the right things - what about everyone else?
- Even So (March 2005) - Adam and Christ: the same but different!
- Shock Waves (February 2005) - Is God in the tsunami?
- Great (Christmas) Expectations (December 2004) - Are we getting the message through?
- Beginning in Bethlehem (December 2004) - For
all four Evangelists, the beginning was long before!
- Chaplain's Message: All Souls and Remembrance Sunday! (November 2004) - Remembering the dead
- Folly or Wisdom? (November 2004) - People need facts as an aid to faith
- Harvests, Festivals, Feasts & Pledges (October 2004) - Thankfulness for God's bounty
- Prostitutes and Outsiders (October 2004) - God loves us all - but wants us inside!
- Chaplain's Letter (September 2004) - Hymn books, book sales and the history of the New Testament
- Dancing on the Head of a Pin (September 2004) - God rules over time and space
- Chaplain's Letter (July 2004) - Living in the Church to come
- A Matter of Substance (July 2004) - Knowing Jesus in the breaking of the bread
- Do It Yourself? (June 2004) - We can't know God without the Spirit
- Anglican Worship - 'Prayerbook Style' (May 2004) - Are we backward- or forward-looking?
- Compulsive and Relevant (May 2004) - Why do people not flock into church?
- After Lent - Easter! (April 2004) - God's Master Plan
- A Meeting of Two Worlds (April 2004) - Heaven is nearer than we sometimes think
- Let them be? (March 2004) - Heretics? Schismatics? What about people we disagree with?
- A Resolute New Year? (February 2004) - Change, children and communion
- Sundays (February 2004) - Let's be Christians Mondays too
- Are Virtual Birthdays Real? (December 2003) - Celebrating a proper Christmas
- Human Again (December 2003) - It'll never go right without the Second Adam
- Pastoral Care (November 2003) - Pastoral care - a proposal
- It's Not Fair (November 2003) - How should we react to injustice?
- Saintly Sheep and Saintly Shepherds - Part Two (October 2003) - Pastoral care for the church
- Do We Need Religion? (October 2003) - Yes, but not to tell us things!
- Changes in Church (September 2003) - New ideas for today's times
- Seventy Times Seven (September 2003) - Forgiving others liberates us!
- Letters (September 2003) - Gay bishops
- Saintly Sheep and Saintly Shepherds (July 2003) - But we're all apprentice shepherds!
- Holy Treacle (July 2003) - Jesus has healed us - and more!
- Danger - Saints at work! (June 2003) - Walking as a church
- Troubled by Wind? (June 2003) - The Spirit puts us in contact with God
- Our Mission (May 2003) - Crossing boundaries, crossing barriers
- A Resurrected World (April 2003) - God's plan for history - and for us
- Matthias (March 2003) - God loves nonentities too.
- About Church Growth! (February 2003) - A Letter from the Chaplain.
- Examples (February 2003) - In our freedom, we need to be an example to others.
- And Can it Be? (December 2002) - The wonder of a word made flesh.
- Politically Correct (November 2002) - It's not wrong to be sensitive.
- Do it my Way (September 2002) - Have you changed direction yet?
- Taking a Rest (July 2002) - Can we have "rest for our souls" while others suffer?
- Trust and Obey (June 2002) - We are fellow workers, not slaves
- A `High Five' for the `Second' Year (May 2002) - St Ursula's: More Plans and Progress - from the Chaplain
- Free as Air (May 2002) - Let the Holy Sprit bring some fresh air into the church
- Alive Again (April 2002) - Easter - Hope reborn and life transformed!
- A Time for Sharing (March 2002) - Jesus, our friend through Lent
- Crocodiles, Logs, and `Freelance Bricks' (February 2002) - What is a 'a part of the Body of Christ'?
- Holy Huddles? (February 2002) - We need to involve ourselves in the world beyond the Church gate
- Born to Raise the Sons of Earth (December 2001) - There's glory all around us now!
- Stereotypes (November 2001) - Let's not rush to judgment!
- Chaplain's Letter (October 2001) - The Chaplain's Ministry and the Healing Ministry
- The Non-denominational Heresy (October 2001) - Some (Personal) Musings
- Perspectives on Evil (October 2001) - Why are people evil, and what can we do about it?
- Pastoral Care and the Ideal Vicar II (September 2001) - Following the Good Shepherd (Part 2) - From the Chaplain
- Pastoral Care and the Ideal Vicar (July 2001) - Following the Good Shepherd (Part 1)- From the Chaplain
- So who made God? (September 2001) - Science doesn't always ask the right questions
- The Gift of Love (July 2001) - God doesn't want to punish us!
- Oh Yes? (June 2001) - Was Thomas wrong to doubt?
- Picking up the Pieces (May 2001) - Addicts can't do it themselves
- All their Breath (April 2001) - When the Way of the Cross becomes lonely
- Doing God's Work (March 2001) - Politicians need our prayers
- Spirituality in the Local Church (February 2001) - Linda shares an inspiring seminar
- Springboard (February 2001) - Yes, we had an inspiring seminar!
- A Farewell Letter from David (February 2001)
- Facing Up to the Truth (February 2001) - The truth can be hard - without help
- Through Whom? (December 2000) - The baby in the manger, the Lord through whom all was made
- Food for Thought (November 2000) - How do we grow as Christians?
- Good Harvesting (October 2000) - God's way should be second nature
- Open House (September 2000) - We're not a club!
- God's Plans, our Plans (July 2000) - Can we ask God for miracles?
- Burning Love (June 2000) - Pentecost makes it real
- The First Fruits (May 2000) - Why Easter?
- Passionate Love (Apr 2000) - Thoughts for Holy Week
- The Devil at Work? (Mar 2000) - Is the Devil to blame for everything?
- Minding our own Business (Feb 2000) - Who are we to judge?
- The Lord and the Baby (Dec 1999) - God was a baby, too
- What's the Answer? (Nov 1999) - Is there always a right one?
- Two Worlds? (Oct 1999) - We can't lock God out
- Care-worn or caring? (Sept 1999) - Don't worry!
- The Old and the New (July 1998) - Have we got our values right?
- Good Christians? (October 1997) - There is a way!
- Change and Decay (May 1990) - Is life getting worse?
- Friends and Neighbours (April 1990) - What about the people whe can't stand?
- Forty Days (and Forty Nights) (March 1990) - It's God who provides
- A New Beginning (February 1990) - Can we change our lives as thoroughly as some countries change their governments?
- Glad Tidings of Great Joy (December 1989)
- Relaxing with a Good Book (1989) - Why don't we read the Bible for pleasure?
- FAQ 16 - What is the Sermon for? (April 2010) - New thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven
- FAQ 15 - What is the Church for? (March 2010) - Accepting the side effects
- FAQ 14 (February 2010) - What's so special about being Anglican?
- Worship FAQ 13 (December 2009) - It's Advent - where have all the flowers gone?
- FAQ 12 (November 2009) - Where do we get our liturgy from?
- FAQ 11 (October 2009) - So what are vicars, chaplains, and the rest?
- FAQ 10 (September 2009) - Father, minister, pastor, priest - what's in a name?
- FAQ 9 (July 2009) - What do we mean by the "Catholic Church" in the creed?
- FAQ 8 (June 2009) - When you are a priest, who is your employer?
- FAQ 7 (May 2009) - Why is the LORD printed like that in some Bible passages?
- FAQ 6 (April 2009) - What do we mean by "This is the word of the Lord"?
- FAQ 5 (March 2009) - What does the Church of England stand for?
- FAQ 4 (February 2009) - How can we pray for people we don't know?
- FAQ 3 (December 2008) - How can I make sense of the language used in church?
- FAQ 2 (November 2008) - How often should I receive communion?
- FAQ 1 (October 2008) - Why do we have processions?
- A Word for the Month - Immortal (April 2010) - Not just about not dying
- A Word for the Month - Devil (March 2010) - Not God's opponent, but ours
- A Word for the Month - Ecumenical (February 2010) - Why don't the Churches get their act together?
- A Word for the Month - Christmas (December 2009) - Another unscriptural word for a very scriptural event!
- A Word for the Month - Psalm (November 2009) - Praise in all shapes and sizes
- A Word for the Month - Ritual (October 2009) - If it is meaningless, it becomes pointless
- A Word for the Month - Testament (September 2009) - It's a gift, and you don't just read it!
- A Word for the Month - Ark (July 2009) - Is it a boat? Is it a box?
- A Word for the Month - Authority (June 2009) - Being over whom? Or over what?
- A Word for the Month - Paradise (May 2009) - God's Parkland: a second Eden
- A Word for the Month - Hosanna (April 2009) - What did the crowd really mean?
- A Word for the Month - Scripture (March 2009) - What is it, and how should we read it?
- A Word for the Month - Atonement (February 2009) - The positive joys of being at one
- A Word for the Month - Incarnation (December 2008) - An unscriptural word for a very scriptural event!
- A Word for the Month - Seven (November 2008) - Is it a perfect number?
- A Word for the Month - Predestined (October 2008) - Are we just automata, or real human beings?
- A Word for the Month - Name (September 2008) - Names can be powerful things!
- A Word for the Month - Repent (July 2008) - Not being punished, but being transformed by God's joy
- A Word for the Month - Mercy (June 2008) - Much more than sparing us from punishment!
- A Word for the Month - Church (May 2008) - Not just a building but something more!
- A Word for the Month - Angel (April 2008) - God's workers, God's intermediaries
- A Word for the Month - Confession (March 2008) - Two sides of a coin: God's majesty, our sinfulness
- A Word for the Month - Amen (February 2008) - Truly a word of many meanings
- Out of Egypt (December 2007) - Stables? Kings? Mistletoe? Let's keep to what the Bible tells us!
- The Lectionary (November 2007) - Who chooses what we read on Sundays, and how?
- Profiles (October 2007) - Choosing a Chaplain - An Update
- Locums and Interregnums (September 2007) - What happens next at St Ursula's?
- Fonts and Fountains (July 2007) - The Water of Life: washing, soaking, drowning, baptizing!
- Well, Well! (June 2007) - Tapping the Spirit's stream
- Naves, Crypts and Villains (May 2007) - Some church jargon is useful, but not too much!
- Hosanna! (April 2007) - What happened on Palm Sunday?
- Forty Days (March 2007) - Why fast in Lent? Why fast at all?
- Fools and Horses (February 2007) - God, the Bible and the Origin of Horses
- Big Fish (February 2007) - What really happened to Jonah
- What about the Pagans? (December 2006) - Are Christians just keeping up heathen rituals?
- A Tenth of All you Produce (November 2006) - How much should Christians give?
- The Judas Conspiracy (October 2006) - Are there secrets the church is hiding?
- Reading the Riot Act (July 2006) - How do we read Leviticus?
- Song and Supersong (June 2006) - Love with a difference
- Old Heresies Revisited (May 2006) - The "Gospel" of Judas? We've heard this nonsense all before!
- Question Time (March 2006) - Etheldreda, presidents and names of services: your questions answered
- What's a Service of the Word? (November 2005) - Well, what is a Service of the Word?
- A Bible Quiz (December 2004) - How well do you know the Christmas stories?
- Passion on the Screen (November 2004) - Mel Gibson's film has its good points and its shortcomings
- For Ever and Ever (October 2004) - Whyever ever twice??
- 1164 Grammes? (September 2004) - Even weights and measures can carry messages from God
- Mar Thoma (July 2004) - A tale from India
- It's all Greek to me! (June 2004) - We still find links with a language Jesus would have heard around him
- Services of the Word? (May 2004) - What are these new services?
- The High Priest (April 2004) - Who was Caiaphas?
- Verstehst Du? (March 2004) - "Religious" language can be a barrier
- Humble Access (February 2004) - The story behind a prayer
- A Seasonal Quiz (December 2003) - What do you know about Christmas?
- Our Sister Church (November 2003) - Who are our sister church here in Switzerland?
- Oiling (October 2003) - What we can do for the sick
- Celestial Zionism? (May 2003) - The promised land is for us all!
- Christ in Baghdad (April 2003) - Our fellow Christians in Iraq
- What happens when we die? (March 2003) - Don't believe everything you hear - check it in the Bible!
- Islam (February 2003) - We need to pray, to listen and to learn.
- To Guide our Feet (December 2002) - Who was John the Baptist?
- What's in a Pulpit? (September 2002) - Have preachers always stood in boxes?
- Who does What? (July 2002) - Bishops, priests, deacons, what's the difference?
- Naves and Knaves (June 2002) - Church architecture and Church life
- A Holy Land (May 2002) - Give peace in our time, O Lord!
- Willibrord (April 2002) - Why is there a Swiss Willibrord Society?
- Olivet, Gethsemane, Golgotha (March 2002) - Names we should know
- Why Ecumenism? (February 2002) - Being sure what we - and others - believe, and what we can do about it
- Season's Greetings (December 2001) - The Church's Year
- The Fool has said... (November 2001) - What do we tell non-believers?
- Do What? (October 2001) - Is what we do on Sundays really what Jesus did in the upper room?
- Numbers (September 2001) - Five, seven, twelve, forty, 666, what do they all mean?
- Pontius - the Hairy Man (July 2001) - Who was this Pilate person?
- What's Prayer H? (June 2001) - From Common Prayer to Common Worship
- Tasting the Sermon (May 2001) - What do you go to church to do?
- Lead us not into Temptation (April 2001) - It's not about me and chocolates
- Roasting in Hell (March 2001) - Does God torture the wicked?
- It's a Revelation (February 2001) - What's all this about barcodes and the year 2000?
- Twelve Days (December 2000) - Do they end or start on the 25th?
- Vicar, Rector, Chaplain, Dean (November 2000) - What are all these titles?
- Elders and Betters (October 2000) - Why Anglicans don't use the term "elder"
- High Church, Low Church (September 2000) - What's the difference?
- It's in the Bible (July 2000) - What Anglicans believe, and why
- The Giver of Life (June 2000) - What the Creed says about the Holy Spirit
- Alleluia! (May 2000) - Why do we say it in our Easter worship?
- Jehovah's Witnesses? (Apr 2000) - Why are they dangerous?
- On the Way (Mar 2000) - The new baptism service
- A New Testament? (Feb 2000) - What's a Testament?
- What's in a Name? (Dec 1999) - Jesus, Christ, Lord
- Shouting to the Lord (Nov 1999) - About the Psalms
- Changes in the Church Office (Sept 1999) - Liturgical Reform
- Holy, Holy, Holy (June 1999) - The eucharistic prayers
- Creeds and Hymn Sandwiches (May 1999) - Liturgy and types of service
- What's in a Name? (April 1999) - Days with special names
- Kyrie and Gloria (March 1999) - Ancient hymns and prayers
- Those Bible Readings (February 1999) - The lectionary tells us which to use
- Giving it Credence (November 1998) - That table in the sanctuary
- Lead us not into... (September 1998) - Language and the Lord's Prayer
- What on earth is he wearing? (November 1997) - Church vestments
- Using the Bible (October 1997) - There are ways and ways...
- Are we the English Church? (September 1997) - The Naming of Churches
- Sharing the Peace (July 1997) - What is "the Peace"?
- New Wine (June 1997) - Using Wine in Worship
- Where is the Barrier? (May 1997) - Railing off the Sanctuary
- You've got to use Words (February 1990) - New Words for old
A Guide to the Creed
- I believe... (February 2005) - What do Christians believe? Part 1 - One God
- Father Almighty (March 2005) - What do Christians believe? Part 2 - Almighty God and Father
- Potter and Watchmaker (April 2005) - What do Christians believe? Part 3 - Maker of heaven and earth
- Son and Lord (May 2005) - What do Christians believe? Part 4 - Jesus Christ, the link
- Light of Light (June 2005) - What do Christians believe? Part 5 - Jesus Christ, truly God
- He came down from Heaven (July 2005) - What do Christians believe? Part 6 - Jesus Christ, truly human
- Also for us (September 2005) - What do Christians believe? Part 7 - Why did Jesus have to die?
- According to the Scriptures (October 2005) - What do Christians believe? Part 8 - What's this about Resurrection?
- Doom! (December 2005) - Will Jesus return? The good news about doom.
- Creating Life (February 2006) - What do Christians believe? Part 10 - The Holy Spirit
- Was Paul a Methodist? (March 2006) - There should be only one church
- And one Baptism (April 2006) - What do Christians believe? Part 12 - New life, cleaning up, moving on, joining in
- The Life of the World to Come (May 2006) - What do Christians believe? Part 13 - A final resurrection - the End after The End!
St Ursula's History
From our photographic archive
- Peter Potter's Institution, 22 June 2008
- St Ursula's Choir at the 2008 Archdeaconry Choir Festival
- Youth Weekend at the Bärghüsli
- Santa at the 2007 Bazaar
- 2006 Christmas Bazaar,
- Centenary Dinner and Service, 16-17 September 2006
- Flower Festival, 9/10 June 2006
- Archdeaconry Choir Festival, 6/7 May 2006
- Christmas Bazaar, 18/19 November 2005
- Berne Kids, God's Kids
- Sam's last Sunday with us, 17 July 2005
- Pilgrimage (Part I), 14 May 2005
- Christmas Bazaar,
19-20 November 2004
- Book Sale, 25 June 2004
- Joint service with Ethiopian Christians,
13 January 2003
- Confirmation Service, 3 November 2002.
- 2002 Summer Event, 24 August 2002.
- Passover Seder Meal, 28 March 2002.
- Berne Kids, God's Kids 2001, August 2001
- Richard Pamplin's Institution, 3 March 2001.
- David Wotherspoon's Farewell, 1 December 2000.
- Farewell for H.E. Ruth Mompati, Ambassador for South Africa, 24 September 2000.
- Flea Market, May 2000.
- Reception to welcome Revd Linda Bisig, 20 March 2000.
- 1999 Christmas bazaar.
- 1996 Junior Church Activities: Pentecost Activity Afternoon - Tear Fund Activity Afternoon - Advent Workshop.
There are also some pictures of the church on our Picasa website.
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This page was last modified on 8 March 2019