2 February 2025 Candlemas - Mary's Purification – legal and superficial, or Christ's Presentation – something deeper? (Revd David Marshall)
19 January 2025 Learning from the Corinthians – very different gifts, but for the common good. (Revd Helen Marshall) (text only, with notes for housegroups.)
12 January 2025 Baptism of Sunmer – baptized, called by name, called into a relationship. (Revd Helen Marrshall)
5 January 2025 The Magi follow the star with true faith, and are met by self-centred faithlessness and fear. (Revd James Morgan)
29 December 2024 The young Jesus left behind at Passover – the Bar Mitzvah in the Temple, about bis Father's business. (Revd Helen Marshall)
22 December 2024 Mary's meeting with Elizabeth – the Magnificat: the old world reversed. Who takes Mary's rôle in the church today? (Revd David Marshall)
15 December 2024 A Nativity Play with two babies – John the Baptist also has a place in the story. (Revd Helen Marshall)
8 December 2024 Admission of children to commumion: All-Age Talk – Called by Name, growing into members of Christ's body. (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
1 December 2024 Advent: a source of joy – even Christ's return! (Luke 21:25-36) (Revd James Morgan)
24 November 2024 Christ the King: Pilate and Daniel's message – what king do we serve? (Revd David Marshall)
17 November 2024 Safeguarding Sunday: Our command to love God and our neighbour – especially the vulnerable (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version, with notes)
10 November 2024 Remembrance Sunday: Blessed are the peacemakers: on the battlefield, in politics – and in our own human relationships (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
3 November 2024 The Shroud of Death: dealing with the reality,the grief and the suffering – through Jesus Christ, the God of Life (Revd Helen Marshall)
27 October 2024 The Bible and the Qur'an: what do the Scriptures do?(Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
20 October 2024 What you ask is not mine to give: James and John haven't got the right idea. (Revd James Morgan)
13 October 2024 All-Age Talk for Harvest Festival - is it good to be very rich? True wealth... (Revd Helen Marshall)
6 October 2024 "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?" Jesus turns the question inside out (Revd David Marshall)
29 September 2024 Michaelmas: what are angels? We are humans and no angels, and have some weird ideas! (Revd David Marshall)
22 September 2024 Not star players – the disciples Jesus chose were really rather ordinary! (Revd David Marshall)
15 September 2024 The tongue - a small organ, the source of a big fire – can it be tamed? (Ven Peter Hooper, Archdeacon of Switzerland)
8 September 2024 Caring for Creation – why and how? We should model our 'dominion' on the sacrificial love of Jesus (through whom all things were made!) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version with notes)
25 August 2024 All-age Talk: How God Feeds Us and why – a supper, a breakfast and a banquet (Revd Helen Marshall) (First Minute Missing!) (and text version with notes)
4 August 2024 God's presence – the bread of life, but we can't demand a spiritual high all of the time (Canon Maggie Guite)
28 July 2024 Providing for the 5000: Filling and opening a spiritual knapsack – knowing every dimension of God's care for us (Canon Maggie Guite)
21 July 2024 Good and bad shepherds – deacons and preists, servants and pastors, doing the Good Shepherd's work (Revd Helen Marshall)
14 July 2024 Speaking the Truth to Power: John the Baptist – the duty and the cost (Revd David Marshall)
7 July 2024 Scorn, rejection , persecution – the rewards of faith (Psalm 123, 2 Corinthians 12:2-10, Mark 6:1-13) (Revd James Morgan)
30 June 2024 Fairness, giving, and God's abundant generosity (2 Cor.8:1-15) (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
23 June 2024 Does God care? Mark 4:35-41 – great storm great calm, great awe, but why did Jesus wait? (Revd Helen Marshall)
16 June 2024 Transformation – Two Parables: The Sower, and the Mustard Seed. (Archana Jacob)
9 June 2024 All Age Talk: Sharing Jesus' light with the World: Mission. (Revd Helen Marshall)
2 June 2024 Sunday after Trinity: Psalm 139: the God who knows us inside and out, who leads and guides us. (Revd David Marshall)
26 May 2024 Trinity Sunday: the One God whom we worship – and whom the disciples and the early church experienced, encircling us and drawing us in. (Revd Helen Marshall)
19 May 2024 Pentecost &ndash: the coming of God's Comforting Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the Bond of Relationship. (Revd David Marshall)
12 May 2024 All-Age Talk: Water and Life – Baptism of Praise Aduba, cleansing her, uniting her with God's people and creating a new and clean heart within her. (Revd Helen Marshall)
5 May 2024 Prayers for healing: Jesus brought wholeness and the abundance of life that Isaiah offered to all who seek it. (Revd Helen Marshall)
28 April 2024 Jesus the True Vine – apart from him we can do nothing. God is love, and acts through all of us individuals as we tell this 'God-is-love' story. (Revd David Marshall)
21 April 2024 Jesus the Good Shepherd seeks his sheep out by name and leads them through the darkest times. Let us learn to recognize his voice! (Revd Helen Marshall)
14 April 2024 All-Age Talk. Third Sunday of Easter: A Surprising Visitor – no ghost, but Jesus himself, the Messiah! (James Morgan) (with visual presentation).
31 March 2024 Easter: And did it really happen? The Church itself is the evidence – without the Resurrection there would be no message. (Revd David Marshall)
28 March 2024 Maundy Thursday: Why should the Master wash the disciples' feet? The difficulty of receiving. (Revd Helen Marshall)
24 March 2024 Palm Sunday: We long to shout Hosanna! But we need to appreciate the silent pain of the passion – Jesus has been in this darkness already. (Revd Helen Marshall)
17 March 2024 Passion Sunday: The wheat seed in the ground – Letting go, living and bearing much fruit. (Revd David Marshall)
10 March 2024 Lent 4 (Mothering Sunday): Wearing the right clothes – compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, love. (James Morgan) - recording quality patchy
3 March 2024 Lent 3: Jesus in the Temple – Christian anger is not selfish anger, but anger for righteousness. (Revd Helen Marshall)
25 February 2024 Lent 2: Taking up our cross and following Jesus – an example from Russia. (Revd David Marshall)
18 February 2024 Lent 1: Examining ourselves and knowing ourselves – the opportunities of Lent. (Revd Helen Marshall)
11 February 2024 Transfiguration: All Age Talk – Happy or sad? The joy of being God's friends and sharing God's joys and each other's – and sorrows. (Revd David Marshall)
21 January 2024 Epiphany 3 – Christ revealed in new wine at Cana, and the Great Banquet of the Apocalypse. (Archana Jacob)
14 January 2024 Epiphany 2 All Age Talk – Samuel in the Temple, Nathanael under the Fig Tree – God knows us. (Revd Helen Marshall)
7 January 2024 Epiphany – Christ revealed to the Gentiles, as the psalms and prophets foretold. Creating a Jewish-Gentile fellowship. (Revd David Marshall)
31 December 2023 Sons through adoption, Paul tells the Galatians, and so fellow children of our father, and brothers and sisters together. (James Morgan)
25 December 2023 Christmas talk – Presents. God's special presents are more valuable than just chocolates. (Revd Helen Marshall)
24 December 2023 (First Eucharist of Christmas) The power of words – but God's Word became flesh: not just crude matter, but a living person. (Revd Helen Marshall)
24 December 2023 (Advent 4) Mary's yes to God's unlimited power – a Christian's response to a Muslim perspective. (Revd David Marshall)
17 December 2023 Joining the celebration, facing the reality. God in real life, for all of us. Talk at the Nativity Play. (Revd David Marshall)
10 December 2023 Advent 2: Baptism – repentance: taking a new direction, with others, along the Lord's Way (Revd Helen Marshall)
3 December 2023 Advent Sunday: Waiting and longing for more – Christ, the past and the future (Revd David Marshall)
26 November 2023 Christ the King – the servant king who reigns from the tree (Revd David Marshall, read for him in absentia by James Morgan)
19 November 2023 All Age Talk: The Talents – fairness means using what we have been given (Archana Jacob)
12 November 2023 Remembrance Sunday: Micah calls us to beat our swords into ploughshares – Jesus calls us even to love our enemies (Revd Helen Marshall)
5 November 2023 Who are the saints? God's holy people – ordinary mortals are saints too! (Revd Helen Marshall)
29 October 2023 Leviticus 19:15-18: Loving our neighbour – puting agape before politics (Revd Professor Douglas Pratt)
22 October 2023 1 Thess.1:1-10: Being imitators – The Holy Spirit at work in Thessalonica (Revd Elizabeth Bussmann)
15 October 2023 Guests at the Great Wedding Banquet – how God's people should behave (Revd David Marshall)
1 October 2023 "You have made us for yourself, O God, an our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you" – St Augustine of Hippo (Revd David Marshall)
24 September 2023 "It's not fair!" Jonah, the labourers in the vineyard, and God's amazing grace! (Revd Helen Marshall)
17 September 2023 Forgiving and being forgiven – seeing the bigger picture. (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
10 September 2023 Confirmation – to a decreasing or to an increasing faith? Seekers, believers and dwellers. (Rt Revd Robert Innes, Bishop in Europe) (and text version)
3 September 2023 All Age Talk: God's creative Word: the source of everything we can see – and can't see (but we know it's there!) (Archana Jacob)
27 August 2023 Who do you say I am? Ways of meeting Jesus, and of being transformed – Peter, Paul, each of us (Revd Claire Finlay)
20 August 2023 Joseph and his brothers – what can we Christians make of the story in Genesis? (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
13 August 2023 Baptism – believing and belonging: the start of a journey in good company. (Revd Helen Marshall)
6 August 2023 Responding to generosity – God's free gifts: the Old and the New Covenant. (James Morgan) (with visual presentation).
30 July 2023 All things work for good – in God's family. (Revd Helen Marshall)
23 July 2023 St Mary Magdalene: Her story is our story - that's why we remember the saints. (Revd David Marshall)
9 July 2023 The Easy Burden: Don't despair, don't be grumpy, give your worries to Jesus! (Revd David Williams)
2 July 2023 Romans 6: Freed from slavery to sin: to become servants to righteousness – perfect freedom! (Revd Helen Marshall)
25 June 2023 God's grace is so abundant we don't need to test it: we share in it through our baptism. (Revd David Marshall)
18 June 2023 Taking in and giving out – it should be as natural and as easy as breathing. (Revd Helen Marshall)
11 June 2023 What's in a name? Barnabas – we should all be "children of encouragement". (Revd Helen Marshall)
4 June 2023 Trinity – God as threefold Love: Creator, Redeemer, Source of Fellowship. (Revd Helen Marshall)
28 May 2023 Pentecost – Streams of living water, for us to overflow with rivers of the Spirit.... (Revd David Marshall)
21 May 2023 New confidence: Waiting patiently for the Spirit – How did the Apostles cope with the ascended Jesus' departure? (Archana Jacob)
18 May 2023 Who will do Jesus' work after the Ascension? He has no body now but ours (Revd David Marshall)
14 May 2023 Sixth Sunday of Easter: All Age Talk: God's Special Promises – the Rainbow, and the Bread and the Wine (Revd Helen Marshall)
7 May 2023 Fifth Sunday of Easter: Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life: a pattern for all of us (Revd Helen Marshall)
30 April 2023 Fourth Sunday of Easter: The True Shepherd – knows the sheep and the sheep know their Shepherd (Revd David Marshall)
23 April 2023 The Road to Emmaus – a prophet like Moses? Meeting God in Jesus. (James Morgan)
16 April 2023 Low Sunday with Thomas: Joy, peace and new life to all the church – together! (Revd Helen Marshall)
9 April 2023 Easter Sunday All-Age Talk: The Whole Story: Christ's death and resurrection give us new life! (Revd Helen Marshall)
2 April 2023 Palm Sunday: Who is this man? God's promised saviour and king (Revd Helen Marshall)
26 March 2023 Passion Sunday: Lazarus' dry bones and the church's promise of new and eternal life in the risen Jesus (Archana Jacob, for Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
19 March 2023 All Age Talk for Mothering Sunday: A Mother's Love – fiercely protective, as we must love our neighbours (James Morgan)
12 March 2023 Lent 3: Psalm 95: Worship God and Listen to God – God's hands and our hearts (Revd David Marshall)
5 March 2023 Lent 2: A Meeting with Nicodemus – God's gift of new life in the Spirit, and our need to grow in it (Revd Helen Marshall)
26 February 2023 Lent I: Avoiding Temptation – Satan's is not powerful, just a good liar! (Revd Elizabeth Bussmann)
22 February 2023 Ash Wednesday: Striving for Holiness and Sorrow for Sin – even towards unseen neighbours. (Revd Helen Marshall)
19 February 2023 Transfiguration – a mountain-top experience. Seeing the true Jesus: "Listen to him!" (Revd Helen Marshall)
12 February 2023 All-Age Talk for Mission Sunday – who we give to and why we give: the Five Marks of Mission (Revd Helen Marshall)
5 February 2023 The Wisdom of God in the Cross of Christ for those who love God (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
29 January 2023 The Corinthians and the Cross: Weakness? Foolishness? Wisdom!! (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
15 January 2023 The Church in Corinth – holy and loved, even though flawed (Revd Helen Marshall)
8 January 2023 The journey of the Wise Men – seen through their eyes (Revd Helen Marshall)
1 January 2023 Christmas: awesome news for the shepherds – why were they so afraid? (James Morgan)
25 December 2022 Christmas: a grubby baby, a problem family – Jesus was special because he was not special (Revd Helen Marshall)
24 December 2022 Christmas: How to get God's Word to us – not as a book but as a person (Revd David Marshall)
18 December 2022 Advent 4: Saying yes to God's plan – both Joseph and Mary had to accept what was happening (Revd Helen Marshall)
4 December 2022 How can we grow as Christians - an address for the children's First Communion (Revd Helen Marshall)
27 November 2022 Countdown to Redemption? The significance of Advent (Archana Jacob)
13 November 2022 Remembrance – no excuse for nationalistic thoughts; how war wastes human potential. (Revd David Marshall)
6 November 2022 Members incorporate - Belonging to God; belonging to the church: thoughts on Cem's baptism today. (Revd Helen Marshall)
30 October 2022 All Souls and All Saints: A taboo topic – how should we learn to talk about death? (Revd Helen Marshall)
23 October 2022 Bible Sunday – A unique anthology, to actively engage with, with eyes, ears and mind (James Morgan) (and text version)
16 October 2022 Pledge Sunday – Christ became poor for us, and we give to show his grace (2 Corinthians 8) (Revd David Marshall)
2 October 2022 "Lord, increase our faith" - Habakkuk saw the need, Paul showed Timothy the way, Jesus told the story of the mustard seed (Revd Helen Marshall)
25 September 2022 Trinity 15 - God cares for the poor – how can we show what God is like? (Amos 6:4-7, Luke 16:19-31) (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
18 September 2022 Trinity 14 - A Web of Relationships: We are made for Interdependance – we live to rely on each other (Luke 16:1-13) (Revd Helen Marshall)
11 September 2022 Trinity 13 - Sheep and Coins: Finding the Lost – God made us, so how does God respond to our idolatry, self-centredness and sin? (Luke 15:1-10) (Revd Helen Marshall)
4 September 2022 Are we worth the bother? Why God became a baby, with all that entails – Psalm 8 (and Romans 18:18-25 and John 1:1-14) (Professor John Wyatt) (and also a recording of Professor Wyatt's talk and dicussion after the service)
28 August 2022 St Augustine – an engaging saint, a restless heart, seeking humility and the eternal City of God (Revd David Marshall)
21 August 2022 Trinity 10 - Healing on the Sabbath – the Sabbath is for us and for our delight! (Luke 13:10-17) (Revd Helen Marshall)
14 August 2022 Trinity 9 - Peace passing all understanding – or a sword and division? Which has Jesus brought? (Luke 12:49-56) (Revd Helen Marshall)
7 August 2022 Trinity 8 - Fear, faith and faithfulness (Hebrews 11, Luke 12:32-40) (Revd Julie Nelson)
31 July 2022 Trinity 7 - Bigger barns – foolish attitudes to wealth (Luke 12:13-21) (Revd Julie Nelson)
24 July 2022 An intimate talk - "Teach us to pray" – The Lord's Prayer (Revd Adèle Kelham)
17 July 2022 Sitting at Jesus' feet – the Good Part: Mary and Martha (Helen Marshall)
10 July 2022 The Good Samaritan – is "doing likewise" really so simple? (David Marshall)
3 July 2022 Do not doubt, but believe – faith based on testimony is a product of love and fellowship (David Marshall)
26 June 2022 The Gift of Freedom – Christ has freed us from ourselves and given us the Fruits of the Spirit (Helen Marshall)
19 June 2022 Witness among the Gerasenes – Sowing the Word by parable and miracle (Archana Jacob)
12 June 2022 Trinity – It's about relationships, not just for Benni Steinberg, baptized today, but for us all (Helen Marshall)
5 June 2022 Pentecost – Life and power from on high, personally for the apostles, communally for the church (Helen Marshall)
29 May 2022 Sunday after Ascension: God's presence then and today (Acts 16:16-34) (James Morgan)
26 May 2022 The Ascension: Looking back and looking forwards – Between two acts of a heavenly drama (Helen Marshall)
22 May 2022 Sixth Sunday of Easter: The New Jerusalem – Mariupol and Heaven: How long, O Lord? (Rev 21:10,22-22:5) (David Marshall) (and text version)
15 May 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter: Making all things new – yes, everything! (Rev 21:1-6) (Helen Marshall) (and text version)
8 May 2022 Fourth Sunday of Easter: The Good Shepherd – the flock listen, worship and serve (Revd Mary Hawes)
1 May 2022 Third Sunday of Easter: Repent while there is time – and pass the message on! (Revd Elizabeth Bussmann) (and text version)
24 April 2022 Low Sunday: How can we 'Give God the Glory'? (Revd Elizabeth Bussmann) (and text version)
5 September 2021 Creation Sunday: – God's world, a good world, a world we who are made in God's image are called to care for (David Marshall) (and text version)
29 August 2021 Trinity 13: How we use God's gifts (Deuteronomy 4, James 1, Mark 7) – (Adèle Kelham) (and text version)
22 August 2021 Trinity 12: The Bread of Life – sharing as true disciples (Archana Jacob) (and text version)
7 March 2021 Lent 3: The Ten Commandments: loving God and neighbour, in detail (David Marshall) (and text version)
28 February 2021 Lent 2: The Plans and the Cross? Peter's blunder. (Mark 8:31.38) (James Morgan) (and text version)
21 February 2021 Tested and yet faithful - driven by the Spirit to find what it means to be God's Son (Mark 1:9-15) (Helen Marshall) (and text version)
13 September 2020 Creation, Forgivess: Gift and Accountability (Romans 14:1-12, Matthew 18:21-35) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
6 September 2020 Creation Sunday - What's it to do with the Church? God's generous world (Psalm 8) (Archana Jacob) (and text version)
30 August 2020 The Marks of a Christian - patience and forgiveness (Romans 12:9-21) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
23 August 2020 Rachel's Baptism - The gift of Faith (Matthew 16:13-20) (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
16 August 2020 Jesus and the Canaanite Woman: Seeing the whole picture (Matthew 16:21-28) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
9 August 2020 Bringing Good News - among so much Bad News (Romans 10:5-15; Matthew 14:22-33) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
2 August 2020 Great sorrow and unceasing anguish - a Jewish host but few Jewish guests (Romans 9:1-5) (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
26 July 2020 The Kingdom of God - what's that? It involves all of us (Matthew 13:31-33,44-52) (Archana Jacob) (and text version)
19 July 2020 Wheat - or tares? But whichever we are, Christ died for us (Matthew 13, Romans 8) (Venerable Adèle Kelham) (and text version)
12 July 2020 No condemnation - the good news of Paul to the Romans (Romans 8:1-11) (Professor James Morgan) (and text version)
5 July 2020 Faith - the Inner Conflict of Grace (Romans 7:15-25) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
28 June 2020 Slaves no more - but slaves for God (Romans 6:12-23) (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
21 June 2020 Dead to sin - what does it mean? (Romans 6:1-11) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
14 June 2020 In grace we stand - we're in a mess (Romans 5:1-11) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
7 June 2020 The Christian God is One God - in a Trinity of Love (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
31 May 2020 Rivers of water, diversity of gifts - the Spirit at work (Archana Jacob) (and text version)
24 May 2020 "Thy Kingdom Come" - A prayer for Ascension, for Pentecost, for God and God's reign (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
21 May 2020 "Great Joy" - What were the disciples so glad to say farewell? (Acts 1:1-11) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
17 May 2020 Questions abut the Faith - Paul on the Areopagus (Acts 17:22-31) (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
10 May 2020 Babies, stones and priests (1 Peter 2:2-10) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
3 May 2020 Following the Shepherd - and entering the freedom of the sheepfold - John 10:1-10 (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
26 April 2020 The Road to Emmaus - Scripture and Sacrament: burning hearts and open eyes (Luke 24:13-35) (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
19 April 2020 Easter - where is the wonder, the amazement, the joy - the energy is at work in us, now (Revd Mark Pogson)
12 April 2020 Easter - even with COVID-19, a source of delight and transformation (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
9 April 2020 "The God of love is kneeling at our feet" - cleansing at the Last Supper (Revd Helen Marshall)
5 April 2020 Heights and depths - Palm Sunday and the Servant King (Philippians 2:5-11) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
29 March 2020 Life out of hopelessness - dry bones and stinking corpses: "Do you believe this?" (Ezekiel 37:1-14, John 11:1-45) (Revd David Marshall) (and text version)
22 March 2020 Mothering Sunday (Lent 4) - The joy and the pain of costly love (Isaiah 49:14-18; Colossians 3:12-17; John 19:25-27) (Revd Helen Marshall) (and text version)
15 March 2020 Lent 3 - Peace amid sufferings - the hope of God's love and the promise of eternal life (Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42) (Revd Helen Marshall)
8 March 2020 Lent 2 - Passing on Abraham's Blessing - Independence and interdependence (Genesis 4:1-4) (Revd David Marshall)
1 March 2020 The Serpent, Eve and the Saviour in the desert - Sin and Forgiveness (Genesis 2:15-3:7, Matthew 4:1-11) (Archana Jacob)
26 February 2020 Ash Wednesday: The woman taken in adultery - sin condemned, sinner forgiven (John 8:1-11) (Revd Helen Marshall)
23 February 2020 God's citizens: Returning Caesar's gifts to Caesar, and God's gifts to God (Revd Helen Marshall)
16 February 2020 Missions Sunday - Loving and Servince the Lord and carrying out Christ's commission (Revd Helen Marshall)
9 February 2020 Change from within - Paul, the Corinthians, the Spirit and saltiness (Archana Jacob)
2 February 2020 Candlemas - A Staging Post between joy and opposition - the Light to the Gentiles, the Sword in the heart (Revd Helen Marshall)
19 January 2020 Jews and Christians - God's people: two ways to interpret Isaiah's promise to the Suffering Servant. (Isaiah 49.1-7) (Revd David Marshall)
25 December 2019 Family Talk: Christmas Presents - Sharing God's Gifts: Joy, Peace and Love (Revd Helen Marshall)
24 December 2019 The King and his Beloved - Why the Word became flesh (John 1:1-14) (Revd Helen Marshall)
22 December 2019 Mary, the Virgin Mother - history? Legend? But truth! (Matthew 1:18-25) (Revd David Marshall)
15 December 2019 Pointing to Christ - the many faces of John the Baptist (Matthew 11:2-11) (Revd Helen Marshall)
1 December 2019 Advent - the promise of light in the dark in-between times (Revd Helen Marshall)
17 November 2019 The Temple, the Gospel and the Future: words which will not pass away (Luke 21:5-19) (Archana Jacob)
3 November 2019 Saints - not heroes but pointers to God (Revd Helen Marshall)
20 October 2019 The Big Big Barn and the Rabbits - a retelling for all ages of Luke 12:13-21 (Revd Helen Marshall)
13 October 2019 The Grateful Aliens - Naaman and the Samaritan leper (Revd David Marshall)
6 October 2019 Grace and confidence - the parable of the unworthy servant: from both sides! (Luke 17:5-10) (Revd Helen Marshall)
29 September 2019 Angels - God's messengers to God's world - a world where God has become incarnate (Revd Helen Marshall)
8 September 2019 Choosing life - and caring for creation as well - Deuteronomy 30:15-20 (Revd Helen Marshall)
1 September 2019 The Environment - cause for hope, panic or repentance? - Creation Sunday (Revd Helen Marshall)
25 August 2019 Healing on the Sabbath - A Daugther of Abraham's Witness - Luke 13:10-17 (Revd Helen Marshall)
11 August 2019 Confidence in God's promises - can we help? (No!)- Genesis 15:1-6 (Archana Jacob)
4 August 2019 Trinity 7 - Death and Wealth - God's world and the rich fool (Luke 12:13-21) (Revd Julie Nelson)
28 July 2019 Trinity 6 - The Lord's Prayer - God's presence, God's will, our needs: the disciples wanted a model (Revd Helen Marshall)
21 July 2019 Trinity 5 - Mary and Martha - are we a bit of both, and do we value busyness too highly? (Luke 10:38-42) (Revd Helen Marshall)
14 July 2019 Trinity 4 - The Good Samaritan - would we do likewise: acting like Jesus (Revd David Marshall)
7 July 2019 Trinity 3 - Sowing and reaping - life in the Spirit and bearing burdens (Revd Helen Marshall)
30 June 2019 Trinity 2 - Free to serve - and no longer slaves to the flesh (Revd Helen Marshall)
16 June 2019 Trinity - God in three persons - encircling love (Revd Helen Marshall) (plus the children's talk)
9 June 2019 Pentecost - the church needs the Spirit to open us to God, and to one another (Revd Helen Marshall)
2 June 2019 Carrying on Jesus' ministry - Thy Kingdom come: the Spirit and the Church (Revd Helen Marshall)
30 May 2019 Ascension Day - Act II of God's work ends, Act III begins (Revd Helen Marshall)
19 May 2019 Dedication Sunday - St Ursula's calls for Dedication - and Love (John 13:31-35) (Revd Helen Marshall)
12 May 2019 A Shepherd's Work - God, the Shepherd of Israel, Jesus, the Good Shepherd and the Lamb (Rev 7:9-17, John 10:22-30) (Revd Helen Marshall)
21 April 2019 Easter - Something new, something real, the beginning of new life, and the Church's life (Revd Helen Marshall)
7 April 2019 The Anointing at Bethany - fragrance, sacrifice, giving (John 12:1-8) (Revd David Marshall)
31 March 2019 Hannah and Samuel, Mary and John, parent and child, an environment where God can be known (Archana Jacob)
24 March 2019 Food, physical and spiritual, priorities and fasting (Isaiah 55:1-9, Luke 13:1-9) (Revd Helen Marshall)
17 March 2019 The Fox and the Hen: which are we, and do we seek the shadow of the Saviour's wings? (Luke 13:31-35) (Revd Helen Marshall)
3 December 2017 Advent: alert and actively waiting for Jesus (Mark 13:24-37, 1 Cor 1:3.9, Isaiah 64:1-9) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
5 November 2017 What do these stones mean? Dedication of the restored church, and of ourselves in the presence of the saints (Joshua 4, 1 Peter 2:4-6) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
15 October 2017 The King's Banquet - a Parable of the Kingdom. Many are called, but not all come, and not all dress properly (Matthew 22:1-14) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
8 October 2017 Faithful tenants of God's vineyard - a parable with many facets (Matthew 21:33-46, Philippians 3:4-14, Isaiah 5:1-7) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
1 October 2017 Serpent slayers, bringers of peace, watching over us? - Michael and all the angels (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
10 September 2017 Together in the Church - harmony and discord - a baptismal sermon (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
3 September 2017 The Cross - more than the fish or the dove, a symbol of Christ (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
27 August 2017 Style and discernment - knowing Jesus and being open to the Holy Spirit (Matthew 16:13-20) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
13 August 2017 All at Sea - God is Lord of the depths, and we need not fear (Matthew 14:22-33) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
30 July 2017 Prayer - a sensitive subject, but let the Spirit do it (Romans 8:26-39) (Canon Peter Hawker)
23 July 2017 Mary Magdalene - Being what one is called to be (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
16 July 2017 Parables and categories - the profligate sower (Matthew 13) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
9 July 2017 Time, youth, innocence and wisdom - the easy yoke (Matthew 11:25-30) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
2 July 2017 A Meeting of Cultures - Paul and the Romans (Romans 6:12-23) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
11 June 2017 The Trinity - the God who wants to be known (2 Cor 13:11-13, Matthew 28:16-20) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
28 May 2017 Involvement, commitment and prayer - there is something to be done before Christ returns, and it is in God's hands! (1 Peter 4:12-5:11) (Revd Stephen Stuckes)
21 May 2017 The Unknown God made known in the Resurrection - even to those who do not choose to see (Acts 17:22-31) (Rt Revd George Bagamuhunda, Bishop of Kigezi)
23 April 2017 Thomas: it's OK - even good - to doubt (John 20:24-29) (Revd Canon Michael Tristram)
16 April 2017 The transforming power of the Resurrection - in John's account, not Matthew's! (Revd Canon Michael Tristram)
4 April 2017 Palm Sunday - at his Passion, Jesus suffers - as a human being (Archana Jacob)
26 March 2017 Mothering Sunday - mothers, our mothers, the church and prodigal children (Revd Canon Michael Tristram)
12 March 2017 God's promises: all for free, all for love (Genesis 12, Romans 4, John 3:1-17) (Revd Brian Rodford)
26 February 2017 Listen and obey, for God knows what is good (Genesis 2:15-3:7, Romans 5:12-19) (Revd Brian Rodford)
19 February 2017 First Fruits of the Spirit (Romans 8:18-25) (Revd Brian Rodford)
12 February 2017 Quarrels; Behaving according to Human Inclinations (1 Cor 3:1-9; Matt 5:21-37) (Revd Brian Rodford)
5 February 2017 Salt and light - preserving and declaring (Matthew 5:13-20) (Revd Jan Jensen)
22 January 2017 United in the Gospel - communion and creed (1 Cor 1:10-18) (Revd Jan Jensen)
8 January 2017 Epiphany People - Finding and Giving (Revd Ian Eglin) (recorded from back - sound not perfect)
24 December 2016 God's love revealed - a Midnight Sermon for Christmas (Revd Ian Eglin)
18 December 2016 A carpenter's dreams - obedience and trust (Matthew 1:18-25) (Revd Ian Eglin)
4 December 2016 Uncomfortable words from John the Baptist - preparing the way to a better world (Revd Ian Eglin)
27 November 2016 Christ the Advent King - a faith not bound by culture but by Jesus (Canon Professor Douglas Pratt)
6 November 2016 My redeemer liveth - in all the world and we are his hands (Job 19:23-27, 2 Thessalonians 2, Luke 20:27-38) (Canon Professor Douglas Pratt)
30 October 2016 Solidarity and Remembrance - (Daniel 7, Ephesians 1:11-23, Luke 6:20-31) (Canon Professor Douglas Pratt)
23 October 2016 Pledge Sunday - but God doesn't need our money - (Luke 18:9-14) (Archana Jacob)
16 October 2016 Persistence - keep going! (Genesis 32:22-31, 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, Luke 18:1-8) (Canon Professor Douglas Pratt)
9 October 2016 Justice and Sustainability - God wants righteousness more than our harvest gifts (Amos 5) (Revd Rajinder Daniel)
2 October 2016 Telling Timid Timothy to Trust - Paul's last letter (2 Timothy 1:1-14) (Archana Jacob)
18 September 2016 Caste and cost: the way of the Cross - Matthew's call (Matthew 9:9-13) (Revd Rajinder Daniel)
11 September 2016 Seeking out the Lost - part of God's nature (Luke 14:25-33) (Revd Rajinder Daniel)
4 September 2016 Paul, Philemon and Onesimus - Partnership and a Diplomatic Letter (Philemon) (Revd Rajinder Daniel)
21 August 2016 Seeking out the poor and sharing the good news (Luke 13:10-21) (Revd Mark Pogson)
14 August 2016 Christian Athletes - running the race (Heb 12:1-2) (Revd Mark Pogson)
7 August 2016 Faith like Abraham's - he simply trusted God (Heb 11:8-16) (Revd Mark Pogson)
31 July 2016 Foolish, rich - and selfish - the rich fool (Luke 12:13-21) (Revd Mark Pogson)
24 July 2016 Our Father - Who are God's children, and what is a father like? (Luke 11:1-13) (Revd Mark Pogson)
17 July 2016 Mary and Martha - Not what we do, but what God does for us comes first (Luke 10:38-42) (Archana Jacob)
7 July 2016 Habakkuk - a man of prayer, a man of faith, a man who listened (Hab 2:1-4) (Revd Mark Pogson)
26 June 2016 God loves us into the Kingdom (Final sermon) (Ven Peter Potter)
15 May 2016 Babel and unity - despite our separate ways, we can unite as one with Christ in God (Ven Peter Potter)
8 May 2016 Orange Mac - the pithy story of a mother's care (Ven Peter Potter)
1 May 2016 God's Peace: Peace with God, the Peace of God - (John 14:23-29) (Revd Mark Pogson)
24 April 2016 City of God - City of Love (Ven Peter Potter) - Choir Festival Eucharist
23 April 2016 George and the Dragon - a lot lies behind the story (Ven Peter Potter)
17 April 2016 Dorcas' needle and thread - a wasted miracle? (Acts 9:36-43) (Archana Jacob)
10 April 2016 An institution that redeems - "Feed my sheep" (Rev 5:11.14, John 21:15.19) (Ven Peter Potter)
3 April 2016 Witnessing fearlessly, because that's the core of the Gospel (Acts 5:27-32) (Revd Mark Pogson)
27 March 2016 Easter Sunday - The Eighth Day of the Week - or the first rewritten! (Ven Peter Potter)
20 March 2016 Palm Sunday: Hosanna - and crucify him - today's populist crowds are just as fickle (Ven Peter Potter)
6 March 2016 A Mother's Rôle, a mother's care (Exodus 2:1-10, John 19:25b-27) (Canon Medhat Sabry, Casablanca)
21 February 2016 Doing it the right way: citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:17-4:1) (Revd Mark Pogson)
14 February 2016 Bible Verses for St Valentine's Day - for God is love (Ven Peter Potter)
7 February 2016 From Epiphany to Lent - the Church's Seasons (Luke 9:28-36) (Ven Peter Potter)
24 January 2016 A Matter of Interpretation: The Relation between the Old and the Mew Testaments (Luke 4:14-21) (Ven Peter Potter)
10 January 2016 Jesus' baptism: John preached repentance, Jesus proclaimed forgiveness (Luke 3:15-22) (Ven Peter Potter)
3 January 2016 The faith of the Magi - astrology paints a false picture (Ven Peter Potter)
27 December 2015 Evidence for Joy (1 John 1:1-4) (Revd Mark Pogson)
20 December 2015 O come, O come, Emmanuel - reflections on an ancient hymn (Ven Peter Potter)
6 December 2015 John the Preparer for Christ the Saviour: Repentance and Forgiveness (Luke 3:1-6) (Revd Mark Pogson)
22 November 2015 His Kingdom shall have no end: reflections on Christ the King (Ven Peter Potter)
15 November 2015 An end to violence - reconciliation is the key (Mark 13:1-8) (Ven Peter Potter)
8 November 2015 Remembrance Sunday - War and Wisdom (James 3:13-18) (Archana Jacob)
1 November 2015 All Souls - in pastures green: thoughts on death and life (Ven Peter Potter)
25 October 2015 Stoking the fire of the spirit: why support the church? (Ven Peter Potter)
18 October 2015 Politics: elections are part of God's world too (Ven Peter Potter)
4 October 2015 God spoke, God has spoken, God speaks (Hebrews 1:1-2) (Revd Mark Pogson)
27 September 2015 What's hell really like? Jesus' words and our response: prayer! (Mark 9:38-50) (Ven Peter Potter)
23 August 2015 Words of eternal life - healthy for body and spirit! (Ven Peter Potter)
16 August 2015 Mary - making the incarnation possible (Ven Peter Potter)
26 July 2015 Missionaries, the 5000 and us: what we give is transformed (2 Kings 4:42-44, John 6:1-21) (Ven Peter Potter)
19 July 2015 A new kind of citizenship: a new kind of country (Eph 2:11-22) (Revd Mark Pogson)
12 July 2015 Amos and John the Baptist: Tolerance, Prophecy and Religion (Ven Peter Potter)
21 June 2015De profundis: leaving our comfort zone (Mark 4:35-41) (+David Hamid) (Text version)
31 May 2015 Prayer and the Trinity - for so it works (Romans 8:12-17) (Ven Peter Potter)
24 May 2015 Pentecost - Varieties of gifts, but one Spirit - in harmony! (Ven Peter Potter)
17 May 2015 The Ascension - Jesus is in heaven, but heaven and earth are forever joined (Ven Peter Potter)
10 May 2015 Obeying God - we can only do it if we love him (1 John 5:2-4) (Revd Mark Pogson)
3 May 2015 God's Abounding Love - Show it to our neighbours! (1 John 4:7-21) (Revd Mark Pogson)
26 April 2015 The Shepherd and the Flock - which way is the church going? (Ven Peter Potter)
5 April 2015 "They said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid." Scary! (Mark 16:8) (Ven Peter Potter)
22 March 2015 "We want to see Jesus" - how does Jesus react? (John 12:20-33) (Revd Mark Pogson)
15 March 2015 Tea, Oxo and the Eucharist - it's about fellowship (Ven Peter Potter)
1 March 2015 Denying ourselves, taking up our cross (Mark 8:34) (Ven Peter Potter)
22 February 2015 Covenants of Grace - Noah's rainbow, Jeremiah's heart and Jesus' blood (Revd Mark Pogson)
15 February 2015 Spiritual Depression - the dark night of the soul (Ven Peter Potter)
8 February 2015 Pandas, a manger, oranges and tissue paper - taking care of God's world (Bishop Robert)
4 January 2015 The Magi and the Star - what it was is not the point, but who it led them to (Ven Peter Potter)
28 December 2014 Pain, evil and redemption - the Holy Innocents, the suffering mothers and the evil King (Revd Mark Pogson)
24 December 2014 Is Christmas Religious? Making sense of the darkness (First Eucharist of Christmas) (Ven Peter Potter)
7 December 2014 It's About Time - Advent is about the Coming of Our Lord - past, present and future (Ven Peter Potter)
30 November 2014 If only God would come and do something: the potter and the pots (Isaiah 64:1-9) (Revd Mark Pogson)
16 November 2014 The Dangers of Complacency (Archana Jacob, Reader in Training)
9 November 2014 Remembrance: the Gift of Peace and Reconciliation (Matt 25:1-13) (Pfr Dr Falko von Saldern (German Lutheran Church))
2 November 2014 Beyond the Horizon - all shall be well. Learning endurance. (Ven Peter Potter)
26 October 2014 Personal Discipleship in the Community of Faith - being the body of Christ (Deut 8:7-10, 2 Cor 9:6-12) (Canon Professor Douglas Pratt)
19 October 2014 Luke and his Gospel - Good News for people on the edge (Ven Peter Potter)
5 October 2014 A Changed Paul - what happens when Jesus takes hold of you (Philippians 3) (Rev Mark Pogson)
28 September 2014 Giving back to God - the basis for giving to the church (Ven Peter Potter)
7 September 2014 Collects, prayer, the Church and God (Ven Peter Potter)
24 August 2014 Bartholomew - the inheritance left by the saints (Ven Peter Potter)
17 August 2014 Persistent prayer, and the dogs under the table (Matt 15:21-28) (Revd Mark Pogson)
3 August 2014 1914-1918 - Where was God? (Ven Peter Potter)
27 July 2014 Isaac, Leah and Rachel - Pray and trust God's planning (Genesis 29:15-28) (Archana Jacob, Reader in Training)
20 July 2014 Presence, blessing, abundance - God always has surprises for us (Jacob's ladder - Genesis 28) (Revd Mark Pogson)
13 July 2014 It's not fair - Esau, Isaac and the sower - but God has plans (Genesis 25) (Ven Peter Potter)
6 July 2014 The example of Rebecca - trust, faithfulness, going the extra mile (Genesis 34) (Revd Mark Pogson)
29 June 2014 The rôle of the priest - prayer, blessing, reconciliation in action. (Ven Peter Potter)
15 June 2014 Grace, love, fellowship. What do the words of the Grace mean for us today? (Revd Mark Pogson)
8 June 2014 Rory the trainer. Josh, the team's goalie, has been out out of action. What will the team do next? (Ven Peter Potter)
25 May 2014 The unknown God with a Purpose - Redemption (Acts 17:22-31, 1 Peter 3:13-22, John 14:15.21) (Ven Peter Potter)
18 May 2014 The Darker Side of the Resurrection - Stephen's death (Acts 7:55-60, 1 Peter 2:2-10) (Ven Peter Potter)
4 May 2014 The Stranger on the Emmaus road - he made their hearts burn (Revd Mark Pogson)
16 March 2014 Released from sin (John 3:1-17, Romans 4) (Archana Jacob, Reader in Training)
2 March 2014 Let's make three shelters - Peter's reflections on the Transfiguration (Matt 17:1-9) (Ven Peter Potter)
23 February 2014 The true story of creation - God protects us from chaos (Gen 1:1-2:3) (Ven Peter Potter)
16 February 2014 The spirit of the law (Mat 5:21-37) (Ven Peter Potter)
9 February 2014 Salt - how to let the world taste our faith (Mat 5:13-20) (Revd Mark Pogson)
12 January 2014Nähe hilft heilen: How God comes near (Isaiah 42:1-9) (Ven Peter Potter)
29 December 2013 Rescuing the vulnerable - Moses and Pharaoh, Jesus, Herod and the road to freedom (Ven Peter Potter)
24 December 2013 Where is God? - God is here, God is with us (Christmas Midnight Mass) (Ven Peter Potter)
15 December 2013 Crisis, judgement, urgency and the armour of light (James 5:7-10) (Ven Peter Potter)
1 December 2013 A new baby - a sign of hope: thoughts on Advent and on the baptism of Yuheng Nathanael Huang (Ven Peter Potter)
24 November 2013 Christ the Servant King - our hands are his, our wounds are his (Ven Peter Potter)
17 November 2013 God is in control of history - for our good (Luke 21:5-19) (Revd Mark Pogson)
10 November 2013Ne obliviscaris, sans peur - the motto of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders could be the motto for every Christian (David Low)
3 November 2013 Death and Christian hope - changed and transformed (Ven Peter Potter)
20 October 2013 Healed and restored - themes in Luke's Gospel (Ven Peter Potter)
29 September 2013 Timeless liturgy - how prayer can unite us with Christians of all times and places (Ven Peter Potter)
15 September 2013 The Lost Sheep - the God who does not give up (Luke 15:1-10, 1 Tim 1:12-17) (Ven Peter Potter)
1 September 2013 St Brendan and the new world, the church and the new kingdom (Ven Peter Potter)
18 August 2013 Do not be afraid - bringing division, bringing salvation (Luke 12:49-56) (Ven Peter Potter)
28 July 2013 The Lord's Prayer - a prayer for us all (Luke 11:1-13) (Ven Peter Potter)
21 July 2013 Martha, Amos and Sunday shopping: the word of the Lord should be our priority (Luke 10:38-42, Amos 8:1-12) (Ven Peter Potter)
14 July 2013 The Good Samaritan and the Wounded Traveller: Jesus in our neighbour (Luke 10:25-37) (Ven Peter Potter)
7 July 2013 The Sending of the Seventy . and their return: a model of the church (Luke 10:1-20) (Ven Peter Potter)
30 June 2013 Peter - apostle and priest: the rôle of priests in the church (Ven Peter Potter)
23 June 2013 Dual healing, dual meaning - the Gadarene demons have something in common with Elijah's still, small voice (Luke 8:26.39, 1 Kings 19:1-15) (Canon Professor Douglas Pratt)
16 June 2013 Naboth's Vineyard - Sin imprisons, repentance releases (1 Kings 21:1-21) (Revd Mark Pogson)
9 June 2013 St Columba and the Loch Ness Monster - The real monsters are within us (1 Kings 17:8-16, Luke 7:11-17) (Ven Peter Potter)
2 June 2013 Commemoration of the Eucharist - Actions speak louder than words (Ven Peter Potter)
26 May 2013 Trinity - God's Three Dimensional Nature (Canon Douglas Pratt)
19 May 2013 Pentecost - The Spirit's fruits are for all the church, not just for individuals (1 Cor) (Ven Peter Potter)
5 May 2013 Reconciliation and Dialogue - between people, between faiths (Acts 16:9-15, John 14:23-29) (Canon Douglas Pratt) and text summary.
21 April 2013 St George and the Dragon - a tale for us too (Acts 9:36-43, Rev 7:9-17) (Ven Peter Potter)
14 April 2013 Change - adaptation or transformation? (Acts 9:1-6, John 21:1-19) (Ven Peter Potter)
7 April 2013 True resurrection: the core of our faith (John 20:19-31) (Ven Peter Potter)
31 March 2013 Easter - a new story to tell: new life from dead twigs (John 20:1-18) (Ven Peter Potter)
17 March 2013 Passionate love: when we suffer, God suffers (John 12:1-8, Phil.3:8-12) (Ven Peter Potter)
10 March 2013 God and Giving: Hannah, Samuel, Eli and the Corinthians (1 Samuel 1:23-27, 2 Cor 1:3-7) (Revd Mark Pogson)
3 March 2013 Christ died for our sins - a simple phrase - a complex meaning (1 Cor 15:3) (Ven Peter Potter)
24 February 2013 A hard passage - God's promise to Abraham (Gen 15:1-18) (Ven Peter Potter)
13 January 2013 The Jordan - Trinity revealed - Father, Son and Holy Spirit at Jesus' baptism (Ven Peter Potter)
6 January 2013 The Magi and the Church: kneeling before the Christ child (Ven Peter Potter)
30 December 2012 Sons and Fathers - Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52) (Ven Peter Potter)
23 December 2012 The Wrong Way Round? - Mary, Elizabeth and the Magnificat (Ven Peter Potter)
25 November 2012 Christ the True King - making the laws and dispensing true justice (Ven Peter Potter)
18 November 2012 Temples and the supermarket - parables of faith (Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-25) (Ven Peter Potter)
11 November 2012 Remembrance and St Martin: witness of a fourth century soldier (Ven Peter Potter)
4 November 2012 Life after death: not in heaven but on earth (All Souls) (Ven Peter Potter)
28 October 2012 Tradition - passing on the faith (St Simon & St Jude) (Ven Peter Potter)
21 October 2012 True healing comes from the Lord - not from tele-evangelists (St Luke's Day) (Ven Peter Potter)
7 October 2012 Good, evil and creation (Job 1-2, Hebrews 1) (Ven Peter Potter)
30 September 2012 Boundaries, baptism and Bethel: thin places (Genesis 28:10-17) (Ven Peter Potter)
16 September 2012: Water gives life, Christ gives eternal life - Water and Society in Kigezi (Revd Reuben Byomuhangi)
9 September 2012: Justified by faith - but faith without works is dead (James 2) (Ven Peter Potter)
2 September 2012: Common Prayer - why and how (Ven Peter Potter)
26 August 2012: The whole armour of God (talk); Words of eternal life (Ven Peter Potter)
19 August 2012: Filled with the spirit (Revd Mark Pogson)
12 August 2012: Bread for eternal life - if you eat the bread Jesus will give (Ven Peter Potter)
5 August 2012: Not all are athletes - Ephesians and the Olympics (Ephesians 4) (Ven Peter Potter)
29 July 2012: Giving like little children, or being fearful - feeding the 5000 (John 6) (Ven Peter Potter)
22 July 2012: In the garden, on the first day - Mary Magdalene, a second Eve? (John 20) (Ven Peter Potter)
15 July 2012: Attitudes to the Dance: David and Salome - right and wrong (2 Sam 6, Mark 6:14-29) (Ven Peter Potter)
8 July 2012: "We know his father": trust Jesus - because he is one of us (Mark 6:1-13) (Ven Peter Potter)
1 July 2012: Don't trust yourself solving problems - only God can provide a lasting solution - (2 Cor 8:7-15,Mark 5:21-43) (Ven Peter Potter)
24 June 2012: Confirmation and John the Baptist - names and belonging (Luke 1:57-66) (Rt Revd Geoffrey Rowell)
17 June 2012: The Kingdom of God - judgment and growth (2 Cor 5:6-17, Mark 4:26-34) (Ven Peter Potter)
3 June 2012: Business-class Christians: what perks do we get? (John 3:1-17) (Revd Paul Holley)
20 May 2012: In the world but not of the world - how God wants us. (John 17:6-19) (Ven Peter Potter)
6 May 2012: A bunch of grapes or a bag of marbles? What are we Christians? (John 15:1-8) (Ven Peter Potter)
22 April 2012: Sin - not all doom and gloom (Acts 3:12-19, 1 John 3:1-7, Luke 24:36b-48) (Ven Peter Potter)
15 April 2012: The Body - A New Creation (Acts 4:32-35, 1 John 1:1-2:2, John 20:19-31) (Ven Peter Potter)
8 April 2012: Easter - Suffering and Resurrection (John 20:1-18) (Ven Peter Potter)
25 March 2012: Life contained in death (Dietrich Bonhoeffer): God reveals Life through Death (Ven Peter Potter)
11 March 2012: Edward King and Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy (Woodbine Willie): A Golden Thread for Lent (Ven Peter Potter)
4 March 2012: St David of Wales: An Example for Lent (Ven Peter Potter)
19 February 2012: Transition and transfiguration: the successors, Joshua, Elisha, Peter, James and John. (2 Kings 2:1-12, Mark 9:2-9) (Ven Peter Potter)
5 February 2012: Following Jesus: not as impossible as it seems (Mark 1:29-39, 1 Cor 9:16-23, Isaiah 40:21-31) (Rev Peter Veenstra)
22 January 2012: Coming to do what we cannot (John 2:1.11) (Ven Peter Potter)
8 January 2012: Three Kings - Herod, David, Jesus (Ven Peter Potter)
18 December 2011: Blessed are you among women: the Lord is with you - in your womb (Ven Peter Potter)
4 December 2011: St Nicholas and Christlike Giving (Ven Peter Potter)
20 November 2011: Responding to the King (Canon Professor Douglas Pratt)
13 November 2011: Helicopters and ploughshares (Remembrance Sunday) (Ven Peter Potter)
6 November 2011: Light and resurrection (All Souls) (Ven Peter Potter)
23 October 2011: Twelve reasons why communion is important (Admission to Communion) (Ven Peter Potter)
16 October 2011: Giving to Caesar, giving to God (Matthew 22:15-22) (Rev Joseph Daniel)
2 October 2011: Giving and the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20, Philippians 3:4-14; Matthew 21:33-46) (Ven Peter Potter)
25 September 2011: Talk on the work of the Gideons Bible Trust (Niklaus Weibel)
18 September 2011: Self-interest and knowing best- but God always knows best (Jonah 4; Matthew 20:1-16) (Ven Peter Potter)
4 September 2011: Binding together and loosing from sin: why the church exists (Matthew 18:15-20) (Ven Peter Potter)
14 August 2011: Neighbours - "Send her away, Lord - she's not one of us." (Matthew 15:21-28) (Ven Peter Potter)
31 July 2011: The Five Thousand - You give them something to eat... (Matthew 14:1-31) (Ven Peter Potter)
10 July 2011: Sowing the Seed: that is our task: after then it is out of our hands (Matthew 13) (Ven Peter Potter)
3 July 2011: A Jubilee Sermon - Reflections on 25 Years in the Priesthood (Ven Peter Potter)
26 June 2011: God and our Neighbours - Not two different worlds at all! (Romans 6:12-23, Matthew 10:40-42) (Canon Douglas Pratt)
12 June 2011: Pentecost - Understanding and being Understood (Acts 2:1-21, I Corinthians 12:3-13) (Ven Peter Potter)
5 June 2011Ascension or rapture - one is Christian, the other isn't (Acts 1:6-14, I Peter 4:12-14) (Ven Peter Potter)
22 May 2011: Except through me? - Knowing the faith of the Church (John 14:1-14) (Canon Dr Douglas Pratt)
1 May 2011: Believing together - Thomas and the faith of the Church (John 20:19-31) (Ven Peter Potter)
24 April 2011: Easter Sunday in the Garden (John 20:1-18) (Ven Peter Potter)
3 April 2011: Lent Course: Giving and forgiving: work for God's chosen ones (Exodus 2:1-10, Colossians 3:12-17) (Ven Peter Potter)
27 March 2011: Lent Course: Our daily bread: bread for us all (Exodus 17:1-17, John 4:5-42) (Ven Peter Potter)
20 March 2011: Lent Course: A kingdom for all Abraham's children (Gen 12:1-4, Rom 4:1-17, John 3:1-17) (Canon Dr Douglas Pratt)
13 March 2011: Lent Course: Our Father, not just mine (Matt 4:1-11) (Ven Peter Potter)
6 March 2011: A Thin Place: Meeting the transfigured Lord (Exod 24:12-18, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matt 17:1-9) (Ven Peter Potter)
27 February 2011: Creation, lilies, earthquakes - God's dynamic calls us to respond (Gen 1:1-2:3; Rom 8:18-25; Matt 6:25-34) (Canon Dr Douglas Pratt)
20 February 2011: Love in Action - it can take many forms (Lev 19:1-2,9-18; 1 Cor 3:10-11,16-23; Matt 5:38-48) (Canon Dr Douglas Pratt)
13 February 2011: Marriage on the Mount: An Address for Valentine's Tide (Matthew 5:21-37, Ecclus 15:15-20, 1 Cor 3:1-9) (Ven Peter Potter) (sound not perfect)
6 February 2011: Uses for salt (Matthew 5:13-20, Isaiah 58:1-9, 1 Cor 2:1-12) (Ven Peter Potter)
30 January 2011: Fear of the dark: the light has come (Luke 2:22-40) (Ven Peter Potter)
23 January 2011: A fishing net and a fishing network (Ven Peter Potter)
5 December 2010: Looking forward - Advent is a season of hope! (Revd Linda Bisig)
21 November 2010: Christ the King - Even in adversity! (Ven Peter Potter)
14 November 2010: The Church and War: Thoughts for Remembrance Sunday (Ven Peter Potter)
7 November 2010: Beyond the Horizon - Thoughts for All Souls Sunday (Ven Peter Potter)
31 October 2010: The Saints - People who know their need of God (Luke 6:20) (Ven Peter Potter)
3 October 2010: What God expects - profitable servants? (Luke 17:5-10) (Ven Peter Potter)
26 September 2010: What's the use of money? Give it for mission! (Jer 32:1-15, 1 Tim 6:6-19, Luke 16:19-31) (Ven Peter Potter)
5 September 2010: Hate your parents - the Gospel has its demands (Jer 18:1-11, Philemon, Luke 14:25-33) (Canon Peter Hawker)
29 August 2010: The Right Place to be - an informal talk for Back to Church Sunday (Luke 14:7-14) (Ven Peter Potter)
15 August 2010: Emmanuel, Jesus: God is not an abstraction - God is with us, God saves (Luke 1:46-55) (Ven Peter Potter)
8 August 2010: Your worship is an abomination - how to prevent it happening (Isaiah 1:10-20) (Ven Peter Potter)
18 July 2010: Mary and Martha - ways to serve (Luke 10:38-42) (Ven Peter Potter)
11 July 2010: Who are the Samaritans? (Luke 10:25-37) (Canon Peter Hawker)
27 June 2010: We, not me - The works of the Spirit, not the flesh (Gal 5:1,13-25) (Ven Peter Potter)
6 June 2010: Caught, not taught - after Pentecost, the Eucharist is at the centre (Ven Peter Potter)
23 May 2010: Pentecost: Sharing a meal - a sign of the Spirit (Ven Peter Potter)
16 May 2010: In the temple worshipping: Jesus leaves us to serve him in worship (Ven Peter Potter)
2 May 2010: Healthy diversity: Peter's dream. (Acts 11:1-18) (Ven Peter Potter)
25 April 2010: Fresh shoots: the Resurrection and Taizé. (Gen 8:13-18,9:8-13; Acts 9:36-43; John 10:22-30) (Ven Peter Potter and Tina Lutz)
18 April 2010: Forgiveness by the fire - a new start for the church. Types and shadows in John's Gospel (21:15-19) (Ven Peter Potter)
11 April 2010: Death is not the end of the story! What did Thomas doubt? (Ven Peter Potter)
4 April 2010: Easter Sunday (0900) - Christ is risen indeed - and is not a disembodied spirit (Ven Peter Potter)
14 March 2010: Mothering Sunday - an all-age talk (Exodus 2:1-10, Luke 2:33-35) (Ven Peter Potter) (sound quality less than perfect)
7 March 2010: My thoughts are not your thoughts: be true to God's agenda, not yours! (Isaiah 55: 1-9, 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13, Luke 13: 1-9) (Ven Peter Potter)
28 February 2010: Numerous as the stars: praying for others - nobody is too distant (Genesis 15:1-12; Philippians 3:17-4:1) (Ven Peter Potter)
21 February 2010: "Der Geist, der stets verneint" - don't be like the Devil - think positive! (Luke 4:1-13) (Ven Peter Potter)
17 February 2010: Ashes - a sign to help us know ourselves (Ven Peter Potter)
14 February 2010: Marriage and transfiguration: a life-changing commitment (Exodus 34:29-35, 2 Cor 3:12-4:2, Luke 9:28.36) (Ven Peter Potter)
7 February 2010: God is in control - and has no favourites (Luke 8:22-25) (Ven Peter Potter)
31 January 2010: Purification and presentation: A parent's love (Luke 2:22-40) (Ven Peter Potter)
24 January 2010: Jesus' first sermon (Luke 4:21): Long it was not, but it was who he was and what he did! (Ven Peter Potter)
10 January 2010: A Child of God: Jesus is baptized by John (Ven Peter Potter)
3 January 2010: Finding Jesus: the Three Kings (All-Age Address) (Ven Peter Potter)
27 December 2009: Samuel and Jesus, growing up. 1 Samuel 2:18-26, Luke 2:41-52 (Ven Peter Potter)
20 December 2009: Mary, Image of the Church. Luke 1:29-45 (Ven Peter Potter)
13 December 2009: John the Baptist (an 0830 address) Luke 3:7-18 (Ven Peter Potter)
6 December 2009: Every valley shall be exalted: ecological disaster or spiritual blessing? Luke 3:5-6 (Ven Peter Potter)
29 November 2009: The Lord who brings justice and righteousness: Jer 33:14-16, 1 Thess 3:9-13, Luke 21:25-36 (Revd Linda Bisig)
8 November 2009: Remembrance: on the battlefield, in the concentration camp, beyond the grave, Jesus is alive (Ven Peter Potter)
1 November 2009: From sinners to saints: our Lord provides the Way (Ven Peter Potter)
10 October 2009: Luke and healing (or Luke and salvation!): Luke 10:1-9 (Ven Peter Potter)
30 August 2009: CH--CH: what's missing? And what is this church anyway? (Revd Peter Potter)
23 August 2009: Baptism: an armed struggle? Eph 6:10-20, John 6:56-69 (Revd Peter Potter)
9 August 2009: Baptism: A family drawn from all nations (Revd Linda Bisig)
5 July 2009: Prejudices: Let's not judge by label (Revd Peter Potter)
28 June 2009: The Healing Touch (Revd Linda Bisig)
14 June 2009: Water and Salt: We are the Fifth Gospel (Revd Reuben Mbaguta Byomuhangi)
7 June 2009: The Trinity - it's how God is (Revd Peter Potter)
31 May 2009: New Life in the Spirit: the Spirit's presence at a new birth: Acts 2:1-21, Romans 8:22-27, John 15:26-16:15 (Revd Peter Potter)
24 May 2009: Waiting for the unexpected: we cannot limit God: Acts 1:15-17,21-26, 1 John 5:9-12, John 17:6-19 and the sugar lump in the water bottle (Revd Peter Potter)
17 May 2009: Commanded to love: 1 John 5:1-6, John 15:9-17 (David Low)
26 April 2009: No ghost eats fish - living, dying and living again - Luke 24:36-48 (Revd Peter Potter)
19 April 2009: Low Sunday - Doubting Thomas? (Revd Peter Potter)
29 March 2009: Seeing is Believing? - Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 5:5-10, John 12:20-33 (Revd Peter Potter)
15 March 2009: Saying Yes - Exodus 20:1-17, 1 Cor 1:18.25, John 2:13-22 (Revd Peter Potter)
1 March 2009: Temptation's Tricks - 1 Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:9-15 (Revd Peter Potter)
15 February 2009: In the beginning: how did it start? - Prov 8:1,22-31; Col. 1:15-20; John 1:1-14 (Revd Peter Potter)
1 February 2009: Salvation is a person - and a political one! - Luke 2:22-40 (Revd Peter Potter)
25 January 2009: There's no recipe for conversion - look at St Paul - Acts 9:1-22 (Revd Peter Potter)
4 January 2009: The Magi came to worship, not for what they could get out of it: Epiphany - Matthew 2:1-12 (Revd Peter Potter)
28 December 2008: Beyond reason: The Holy Innocents - Jeremiah 31:15-17, Matthew 2:13-18 (Revd Peter Potter)
25 December 2008: Around the Crib: Christmas Day - Luke 2:8-20 (Revd Peter Potter)
21 December 2008: Fear not - Mary: Advent 4 - Luke 1:26-38 (Revd Peter Potter)
14 December 2008: Finding out More: Advent 3 (0830) - Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11, John 1:6-8,19-28 (Revd Peter Potter)
30 November 2008: Are we nearly there yet?: Advent Sunday -Isaiah 64:1-9, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, Mark 13:24-37 (Revd Peter Potter)
23 November 2008: The least of these: Matthew 25:31-end (Revd Peter Potter)
2 November 2008: Surrounded by God's saints: Revelation 7:9-17, 1 John 3:1-3, Matthew 5:1-12 (Revd Peter Potter)
19 October 2008: Paying one's dues: Matthew 22:15-22 (Revd Peter Potter)
12 October 2008: The badly-clad guest: Matthew 22:1-14 (Revd Peter Potter)
31 August 2008: Adelboden Weekend: Following Jesus: Exodus 3:1-15, Romans 12:9-21, Matthew 16:21-28 (Canon Roger Wikeley)
24 August 2008: Going into the Ministry: Romans 12:1-8 (Revd Peter Potter)
17 August 2008: In the Olympics: Isaiah 56:1,6-8, Romans 11;1-2,29-32, Matthew 15:21-28 (Revd Peter Potter)
10 August 2008: Fearless Risk-Taking: 1 Kings 19:8-18, Matthew 14:22-33 (Revd Peter Potter)
20 July 2008: The Wheat and the Tares: Matthew 13:24-30,36-43 (Revd Peter Potter)
6 July 2008: Good news for grumpy listeners: Zechariah 9:9-12, Romans 7:15-25a, Matthew 11:16-19,25-30 (Revd Peter Potter) (poor sound - to be improved!!)
29 June 2008: On this Rock: Granite or Sandstone?: Ezekiel 3:22-27, Acts 12:1-11, Matthew 16:13-19 (Revd Peter Potter)
20 April 2008: Pieces of God's Jigsaw: 1 Peter 3:13-22, John 14:15-21 (Ven Alan Wolstencroft)
9 March 2008: Vision with the Light of God: 1 Corinthians 15:50-57, Luke 24:1-35 (Rt Revd Michael Turnbull)
2 March 2008: Kindled by the Scent of God: Exodus 14:21-31, Matthew 17:1-8 (Rt Revd Michael Turnbull)
24 February 2008: Healed by the Touch of God: 2 Samuel 12:1-14, Luke 7:36-50 (Rt Revd Michael Turnbull)
17 February 2008: Tasting the Goodness of God: 1 Kings 19:1-12, John 21:1-13 (Rt Revd Michael Turnbull)
10 February 2008: Listening to the Echoes of God: 1 Samuel 3:1-11, Luke 4:16-21 (Rt Revd Michael Turnbull)
3 February 2008: On the Mountain - we see God and God's perspectives: 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matthew 17:1-9 (Rt Revd Michael Turnbull)
27 January 2008: Letting Go - Jesus let go of so much, and by his aid so may we: 1 Corinthians 1:10-18, Matthew 4:12-23 (Rt Revd Michael Turnbull)
6 January 2008: Light in the Dark - Isaiah foresaw, the Magi saw God's glory: Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 (Revd Linda Bisig)
30 December 2007: Being Tested - Jesus leads the way: Hebrews 2:10-18, Matthew 2:13-23 (Canon Geoffrey Allen)
16 December 2007: John the Baptist - What did he expect?: Isaiah 35:1-10, Matthew 11:2-11 (Canon Peter Hawker)
9 December 2007: John the Baptist - Putting oneself second: Romans 15:4-13, Matthew 3:1-12 (Canon Geoffrey Allen)
2 December 2007: Advent - Looking forward to God's reign: Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:36-44 (Canon Geoffrey Allen)
25 November 2007: Kings and Commoners - Our response: Colossians 1:11-20, Luke 23:33-43 (Canon Geoffrey Allen)
18 November 2007: Reading the Signs - Trusting God: Malachi 4:1-2a, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, Luke 21:5-19 (Canon Geoffrey Allen)
11 November 2007: Remembering and Becoming: Micah 4:1-5, John 15:9-17 (Canon Roger Wikeley)
4 November 2007: Being a Saint: Persistence: Romans 8:31-end, Matthew 5:1-12 (Canon Roger Wikeley)
28 October 2007: Thanksgiving - Harvest and Pledge Sunday: Deuteronomy 26:1-11, John 6:25-35 (Canon Roger Wikeley) plus, by popular request, the GPS and the potato(Children's talk)
21 October 2007: Prayer - 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, Luke 18:1-8 (Canon Roger Wikeley)
14 October 2007: Pride and Prejudice - 2 Kings 5:1-15, Luke 17:11-19 (Canon Roger Wikeley)
30 September 2007: The Sordid Question of Coin - 1 Timothy 6:6-19, Luke 16:19-31 (Canon Roger Wikeley)
23 September 2007: The Unjust Steward - 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 (Canon Roger Wikeley)
16 September 2007: Being Loved - 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Luke 15:1-10 (Canon Roger Wikeley)
9 September 2007: Doing the Right Thing - Philemon 1-21, Luke 14:25-33 (Canon Roger Wikeley)
10 June 2007: Elijah - 1 Kings 17:17-24, Luke 7:11-17 (Canon Richard Pamplin)
6 May 2007: New Rules - Acts 11:1-18, John 13:31-35 (Canon Richard Pamplin) (sound quality less than perfect)