St Ursula's Finance Page

We are a totally self supporting church raising our money from what people give us, either regularly or via the collection plate, or by renting out our premises, doing weddings, baptisms and funeral services, having specific fundraising events or even from simple things like the magazine subscriptions.

All our sources of income are important, but the regular pledge income is for us the most reliable and important source. Please think about pledging your giving if not already doing so. There is a link to the information on the website, plus once a year we have a pledge Sunday where we focus on this sort of giving.

St Ursula's church has two Postfinance accounts, one for the church and one for our charitable association. Payments in sterling can be made to us using our account with the Diocese – the Treasurer can give you details.

The reasons we split our accounts are related to the tax deductibility for you as the giver. The Tax authorities don't allow what is given to the Church to be deducted from your taxable income. However they do allow what you give to the Charitable association. That is why you find at least two accounts given in most of our documentation.

The church account however is where we need the money, as that is what we use to run the church, provide our services etc. The Association can only use the money for charitable giving and maintaining the premises as it is a listed building. We give 10% of all we receive via any source to Charity, you can see which ones on our charity page. We cannot use it to pay anything viewed as religious in nature. So if you don't pay tax in Switzerland, please give to the Church, or split your giving if you are a Swiss taxpayer.

On our website you will find links to the latest figures and budgets, as well as a QR code for your giving directly to our account. Please add your name, otherwise I will not know who to credit it to. Also if it is for something specific, then I will need to know that too.

On a Sunday you can give in the collection bag, naturally I prefer notes as they are easier to bank. We now have a Sumup machine, so if I am around you can find me to give something via your bank or credit card. Or you can even Twint us. There are Twint codes on the service sheet and in the hall. Of course we pay to receive the cash if transferred electronically like that, but we are grateful for all we receive, however it arrives.

Finally, do come along to our events. We have at least four fundraisers per year, and they are also a very important source of funds for the Church. They are a lot of work to organise, but the fellowship enjoyed by helpers and visitors makes it worth it. If you want to get more involved in anything we are doing, just drop an email to or speak to a council member.

If you wish to donate to our Church please consider a regular pledge, just drop an email to the for a form and more info or fill in the online form under this link.

One-off donations can be given direct to one of our postfinance accounts:

For those who do not need tax relief: CH79 0900 0000 3000 4416 8

For those who wish to claim tax relief: CH61 0900 0000 6066 6488 7

You can also give via Twint:

Thank you.

Here are links to our:
Budget for 2024
Income and expenditure summary and report as at 30 April 2024
Income and expenditure summary and report as at 31 March 2024

Final accounts for 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Budgets for 2024 2023 2022 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

News and Current Events Who We Are Home

HD - Page last modified 20 May 2024