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St Ursula's Church
Berne, Switzerland

A Church of the Anglican Communion, welcoming all who seek the Lord Jesus Christ


A current calendar can be found here.

Dates For Your Diary
10 March
8:30 Morning Prayer (online)
Monday - Thursday in Lent
15 March
Quiet Morning
16 March
10:00 Teens Group
22 March
Spring Sale
23 March
10:00 Sung Eucharist
View our full calendar

Current Events

Being Church at All Times – Messages from Helen
To keep in touch, Helen sends emails to all church members - the most recent are 250, 249, 248.


This year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place after the service on Sunday 23 March 2025. Please note this date and plan to attend this important church meeting. You can find more information here.

Suffragan Bishop
The consecration of Reverend Canon Andrew Norman took place at 11:00 GMT on Thursday 27 February in Canterbury Cathedral. He was welcomed officially as the Suffragan Bishop in the Diocese in Europe on Sunday 2 March at his installation at Holy Trinity, Gibraltar. You can read more on the Diocesan website.

Money, money, money

Many of our members pledge to give a regular sum to support the church. We receive no state support, and have to finance the ministry here ourselves. There is still time to add to the growing number of people who pledge to the church. You may fill in a form (there are several in the church hall) and give or send it to the Treasurer. Trying to move with the times, we are also introducing the possibility of pledging "on-line" - the pledge page on our website has details. We hope that paying on line will come later (paying by Twint is already possible). In any case, every rappen is appreciated!

Photographs and Privacy

Several people take photographs of church events, and these may be uploaded to the church's website. We do not normally publish photos of individuals, nor include names. If you are happy for your picture to appear in a group photo please ensure you have completed a (blue) photo consent form. You can find blank forms in the church hall.

A general privacy notice can be found here.


HD - Page last modified 5 March 2025