Services in Thun

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Services in Thun
St Ursula's Church
Berne, Switzerland

A Church of the Anglican Communion, welcoming all who seek the Lord Jesus Christ


Communion Service

We hold communion services on the first Tuesday of every month in the Chapelle Romande, Frutigenstrasse 22.

Our services start at 18:00 and are generally around 40 minutes in length.

We are a small and friendly group, and after the service we often pop across the road to have a drink and a time of fellowship.

Next dates:

We held our traditional Service of Readings and Carols on Tuesday 17 December. This was followed by mulled wine and snacks in the courtyard.

Housegroup in Thun

Once a month the Thun Housegroup meets in a member's home to study the bible and share our faith. The group is led by lay members of the Thun Group. Meetings are on the third Thursday of every month, from 18:00.

In a relaxed and open atmosphere we discuss the readings and sermon from the previous Sunday, share concerns and questions, pray together and learn together.
Open to all who are seeking to know more.
What is said in the group, stays in the group.

For more information about the services or the housegroup, please contact the church office.

To reach the chapel by public transport, take the back exit from Thun station and cross the road into Seefeldstrasse. At the end, cross Frutigenstrasse using the pedestrian crossing and walk to the left. The chapel is immediately on your right.

TC - Page last modified 4 January 2025