Charity and Missions

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Charity and Missions
St Ursula's Church
Berne, Switzerland

A Church of the Anglican Communion, welcoming all who seek the Lord Jesus Christ

Please read our flyer about our local food-bank and help project.

For many years, St Ursula's has sought to give generously to support the work of Christ in the world. In practical terms, we aim to give at least a tenth of our income to support charitable causes and missionary activity. We also respond to particular needs through dedicated collections, and our collections at Christmas and Harvest go to Ena! (formerly Tearfund) (The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund), and in particular to their water project in Uganda, run in conjunction with the Diocese of Kigezi. Our Junior Church also supports this project.

We are currently looking at ways to help the needy here in Berne, who number more than is often realized. This could take the form of a Food Bank, or focussed and practical support for one of the projects being organized by our fellow Christians here in the city.

We try to maintain close personal contact with the recipients, and to support them not only with our giving but with our prayers. We invite your prayers for:

We also give generously to the Bishop's Advent and Lent appeals, which are usually focussed on a specific area where the need is more acute - there are details of these at the relevant seasons on the diocesan website.

Here is a presentation we made for our Missions Sunday servce in June 2024.

Sakh'ulutsha, SU South Africa Cecily's Fund, Zambia Partner Sein Projects, Congo Ena (Tear Fund) Kigale Water Project Refuge Egypt, Cairo Holy Land Institute for the Deaf, Salt, Jordan Child Development Centre, Talagolla Partner Sein, Bohol and Luzon A Rocha International A Rocha Peru

HD - Page last modified 11 June 2024