Who's who at St Ursula's

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Who's who at St Ursula's
St Ursula's Church
Berne, Switzerland

A Church of the Anglican Communion, welcoming all who seek the Lord Jesus Christ

Here to Help You

Our Chaplain is the Reverend Helen Marshall. Her private home number is available from the Church Office. Note that Thursday and Friday are normally Helen's days off. Her husband, the Reverend David Marshall is our Assistant Chaplain.
Revd James Morgan is our Curate

The Chaplain may also be contacted in an emergency on the church's emergency mobile number, 077 495 74 19.

The Church Office (031 352 85 67) is normally staffed on Mondays from 09:00 to 17:00, and on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 07:30 to 11:30. Maria Avdikou, our administrator, would be pleased to help you. At other times an answering machine service is available.

There are a number of other contact people.

Welcome to St Ursula's

TC - Page last modified 25 March 2025